A site where you can keep track of your weight, get random quotes based on your preference, add/update/delete weights and see them visually on a calendar and a chart!
Create an account with a username, email, password, preferred weight unit (lbs or kgs), and your quote preferences. Your password is secured and safe with us :)
After you login or sign up, you can start adding weights. The option is available at the top navbar under progress. When inside progress, click on a day inside the calendar to add new weights. You can also click on an existing weight inside the calendar to update or delete.
- View all weights inside your calendar and chart
- Create weights (can only have one weight per day)
- Update weights
- delete weights
- View a random curated quote based on your preferences
Please feel free to contribute :)
See also the list of contributors who participated in this project.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.md file for details
Front end code can be found here