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Disdat is a Python (3.6 +) package for data versioning and pipeline authoring that allows data scientists to create , share, and track data products. Disdat-kfp is a plugin built upon Disdat and enables data versioning for Kubeflow Pipeline (KFP).

More specifically, this plugin does the following:

  • Caching: Captures all intermediate outputs and reuses cached data based on task parameters.
  • Data Versioning: All state artifacts are versioned as bundles on S3;
  • Minimum Intrusion: Making it easy to refactor existing projects at pipeline level; users don't need to modify any state definitions.
  • Share Datasets: Intermediary artifacts can be easily shared between teams with standardized APIs.

Get Started

Install the package, the pip command will also download the core disdat package if you haven't done so already.

pip install disdat-step-function

Get Started with the tutorial notebook! Check out how easy it is to version a AWS StepFunction state machine in simple_cached_sm.ipynb



Used to create and configure data versioning parameters that Disdat should use. You can eithe create this object and share it between different components (e.g, if all data go to the same location), or you can create one object for each component
caching_lambda_name: str, the lambda function you created with the lambda stub generated by disdat-kfp. See LambdaGenerator

context_name: str, the Disdat context in which the artifacts reside

s3_bucket_url: str, url of the S3 bucket. For instance s3://my-bucket

force_rerun: bool, force rerun all components if set to True

use_verbose: bool, see more verbose logs if set to True

state_machine_name: str, name of the state machine, reserved for future use


Given a user state, wrap it up with dynamically generated states that implements data versioning and smart caching.
user_step: The step object(sepfunctions.steps.states) to cache

bundle_name: str, optional, the name of the bundle to create. Default to state name

force_rerun: bool, override the pipeline-level force_rerun. Set to True to enable caching

stepfunctions.steps.Chain: a state machine with user's state embedded in

Example Usage

from stepfunctions.steps import states
from disdat_step_function.caching_wrapper import Caching 

caching = Caching(caching_lambda_name="lambda_func_name",

user_task = states.Pass(state_id='user')
cached_task = caching.cache_step(user_task, bundle_name="simple_task", force_rerun=False,)


Used to refactor an existing pipeline given its definition. PipelineCaching finds all Task state in the definition and call replace it with Caching().cache_step(task) (a steps.Chain object)

defintion: Union[sepfunctions.steps.states.Chain, sepfunctions.steps.states.State], the state machine to refactor

caching: caching_wrapper.Caching, used to cache individual states.


Modify state machine definition in-place. The state machine now supports data versioning

Args None

Return None

Example Usage

from stepfunctions.steps import states
from disdat_step_function.caching_wrapper import Caching, PipelineCaching

caching = Caching(caching_lambda_name="lambda_func_name",
# define you graph normally
user_task_1 = states.Pass(state_id='task1')
user_task_2 = states.Pass(state_id='task2')
graph = states.Chain([user_task_1, user_task_2])
# one-button refactoring 
PipelineCaching(graph, caching).cache()


Generate code and lambda layer that you can use to create a AWS Python Lambda function, which is called by the augmented state machine to record artifacts.
Args root: Union[str, pathlib.Path], where to dump the generated code force_rerun: bool, re-generate everything and overwrite existing code and zip files

Return None

Artifacts This function will generate a folder of artifacts that you can use to create appropriate caching lambda function.

    |- /cache_lambda
    | copy this file to a lambda function
    |- /dependency: dependencies installed in a amazonlinux container to ensure compatibility
    |- the lambda layer with all necessary dependencies


Since AWS StepFunction is essentially an orchestrator of tasks with heterogeneous runtimes, we must make sure all tasks, not just Python code, get to enjoy the benefits of data versioning. Hence, disdat-step-function injects states before/after user state to pull/push data to S3 (from now on they are called caching steps).

To enable data versioning and caching for a state, simply use the cache_step() wrapper and pass in the state obj. If you have a complex state machine with many states, you can also use PipelineCaching().cache to one-button refactor the whole workflow.

As you can see in the figure above, disdat-step-function injects some states around user's designated task. The component name and input parameters are used to uniquely identify an execution. Note that you should not use disdat-step-function for tasks that are not idempotent.

With some high-level understanding of how Disdat-step-function works, let's dive into the actual diagram


It takes the input json file and extract the parameters using the input_path field selector specified by the user's task. Once it has the parameters, a proce_name will be calculated using bundle name and the hash of the parameters. This key value will be used to pull data from the remote disdat bundle on S3

The output of cache_pull has the following format:


    # the full param will be passed to user state
  "_full_params": input_data

    # the cache param will be passed to cache push 
  "_cache_params": input_data[field_selector]

    # data to pass on to the next state if cache hit 
  "_data": cached_data/null,

    # execute user state or not 
  "_use_cache": false/true


In AWS State Machine, any state can only take parameters from another state. In order for the input parmaters to reach cache_push, we must create a bypass. The output of param_pass has the following format:


  "_cache_params": input_data[field_selector]


Since the user state expects the input data to be the parameters cache_pull receives, we must unravel the output of cache_pull using field selection $._full_params. Hence, param_resolve has the following output format:




If it receives data from cache_pull (no execution), it will simply pass on the _data field to the following state

If it receives data from the execution branchm it will use _cache_param to calculate proc_name and push data to S3


data output by user task

Lineage Capture

Data provenance is an important feature of data versioning. This is especially true for orchestration workflows such as AWS StepFunction. However, due to the design nature of SF, it is very hard for a state to figure out what its parent is. We leverage the execution logs and build a graph in which each node is an execution event. Unfortunately the execution flow is hard to reconstruct from raw logs (especially true for Parallel and Map states). Right now we support partial lineage, that is for every cached state, we guarantee to find one parent (some states may have multile parents, such as the state following a parallel state with two branches)

Importance Tips

If you need to enable lineage capture, please make sure your Lambda
can perform list_state_machines, list_executions and get_execution_history on StateMachines

Lineage capture only supports default bundle names. This is because we can only recover bundle name from execution event name if bundle name = task name


Lineage capture is still in alpha mode, use it at your own risk (captured dependencies are correct, but some will be missed). By default this feature is disabled. To enable it, modify the code:

parent = cache.get_lineage()
# parent = None
return cache.cache_push(event, parent)