An Erlang/OTP driver for RethinkDB using maps and supporting authentication Version V1_0.
Quick example:
1> {ok, Connection} = gen_rethink:connect().
2> Reql = fun(X) ->
2> reql:db(X, rethinkdb),
2> reql:table(X, users),
2> reql:get(X, admin)
2> end.
3> gen_rethink:run(Connection, Reql).
{ok,#{<<"id">> => <<"admin">>,<<"password">> => false}}
rebar3 shell
{ok, Connection} = gen_rethink:connect(#{host => "localhost", port => 28015}).
{ok, Connection} = gen_rethink:connect().
Use the gen_rethink_session
gen_server to manage a persistent connection with
RethinkDB. This module will handle reconnects automatically. Just add this
worker to your supervision tree:
#{id => {gen_rethink_session, my_session_name},
start => {gen_rethink_session, start_link, [my_session_name]}}
Once started, the connection can be accessed with
The return value will be either {ok, Connection}
or {error, no_connection}
To start a persistent connection for eunit tests, include this in your setup fixture:
start() ->
Since Erlang doesn't support chaining function calls, ReQL queries are created
differently than in the JS and Python drivers. Each ReQL query is an Erlang
process that is linked to the calling process. Construct the query by calling
a sequence of functions on the reql
Reql = reql:new().
reql:db(Reql, my_db),
reql:table(Reql, my_table).
The function reql:x/1
is provided as a way to contain query creation in one
place for readability, and as a way to generate a query in a single expression.
Reql = reql:x(fun(X) ->
reql:db(X, my_db),
reql:table(X, my_table),
reql:get_all(X, <<"an_index_value">>, #{index => my_index})
And, as shown in the quick example above, the call to reql:x/1
can be ommitted
when being passed into gen_rethink:run/2
Note: By default, the Reql query can only be run one time; the Erlang process exits when
the query is executed by gen_rethink:run/2
. To run a single query multiple
times, use
- Reference counting (
), or - Closures (
gen_rethink:run(Connection, Reql).
gen_rethink:run(Connection, Reql, Timeout).
where Timeout is a client-side timeout in milliseconds.
The return value is either {ok, Result}
or {error, Reason}
Depending on the ReQL query, the Result returned can either contain the data
from the query response, or it can be an Erlang pid. If it's an Erlang pid,
then the module rethink_cursor
must be used to access the query response.
fun L(C) -> receive
{rethink_cursor, done} ->
{rethink_cursor, Result} ->
% do something
{rethink_cursor, error, Error} ->
% handle error
The gen_requery
behaviour can be used to manage a long-living changefeed query.
See test/gen_requery_tests.erl for an example.
The following Erlang structures can be used to store the special RethinkDB datatypes:
RethinkDB Data Type | Example Erlang representation | reql function |
Timestamp | {1515,167587,102000} |
none |
Timestamp + Time Zone | {{1515,167587,102000}, <<"-05:00">>} |
none |
ISO 8601 Timestamp | {iso8601, <<"2018-01-03T17:44:54+00:00">>} |
reql:iso8601/1 |
Binary | {binary, <<1,2,3,4,5>>} |
reql:binary/1 |
For an optimization, a given ReQL query can be turned into a closure (anonymous function) and used indefinitely. This is useful, for example, when inserting:
Reql = reql:x(fun(X) ->
reql:db(X, my_db),
reql:table(X, my_table)
Inserter = reql:closure(Reql, insert, #{return_changes => true}),
% Reql process is now stopped
gen_rethink:run_closure(Connection, Inserter,
[#{a => 1, x => <<"hello">>, y => <<"world">>}], 5000),
gen_rethink:run_closure(Connection, Inserter,
[#{a => 2, x => <<"hello">>, y => <<"rethinkdb">>}], 5000).
Connect to RethinkDB
1> {ok, Connection} = gen_rethink:connect().
Create a new database called my_db
2> gen_rethink:run(Connection, fun(X) -> reql:db_create(X, my_db) end).
{ok,#{<<"config_changes">> =>
[#{<<"new_val">> =>
#{<<"id">> => <<"fa21c3de-41b8-4d2a-a459-3d01f0002833">>,
<<"name">> => <<"my_db">>},
<<"old_val">> => null}],
<<"dbs_created">> => 1}}
Create a new table called my_table
3> gen_rethink:run(Connection,
3> fun(X) ->
3> reql:db(X, my_db),
3> reql:table_create(X, my_table)
3> end).
{ok,#{<<"config_changes">> =>
[#{<<"new_val">> =>
#{<<"db">> => <<"my_db">>,<<"durability">> => <<"hard">>,
<<"id">> => <<"bc39525c-aed8-480a-92c3-1f76dc5884e3">>,
<<"indexes">> => [],<<"name">> => <<"my_table">>,
<<"primary_key">> => <<"id">>,
<<"shards">> =>
[#{<<"nonvoting_replicas">> => [],
<<"primary_replica">> => <<"jstimpson_mbp_local_dxh">>,
<<"replicas">> => [<<"jstimpson_mbp_local_dxh">>]}],
<<"write_acks">> => <<"majority">>},
<<"old_val">> => null}],
<<"tables_created">> => 1}}
Insert a record.
4> gen_rethink:run(Connection,
4> fun(X) ->
4> reql:db(X, my_db),
4> reql:table(X, my_table),
4> reql:insert(X, #{timestamp => os:timestamp(),
4> data => <<"Hello World!">>})
4> end).
{ok,#{<<"deleted">> => 0,<<"errors">> => 0,
<<"generated_keys">> =>
<<"inserted">> => 1,<<"replaced">> => 0,<<"skipped">> => 0,
<<"unchanged">> => 0}}
Read all records from the table.
5> {ok, Cursor} = gen_rethink:run(Connection,
5> fun(X) ->
5> reql:db(X, my_db),
5> reql:table(X, my_table)
5> end).
Flush the cursor to the shell.
6> rethink_cursor:activate(Cursor).
7> flush().
Shell got {rethink_cursor,[#{<<"data">> => <<"Hello World!">>,
<<"id">> =>
<<"timestamp">> => {1515,167587,102000}}]}
Shell got {rethink_cursor,done}