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Discord and Twitch Commands

Lusamine edited this page May 21, 2023 · 10 revisions

The following commands are used by the bot if integration is enabled. The commands below assume that you have not changed the default prefix from $:

Discord Commands

Help Module

  • $help: Lists all available bot commands.
  • $help <commandname>: Lists help for a specific command and lists the arguments/parameters required to use that command

Hub Module

  • $status: Lists the status of the Hub. This includes the current bot state, the number of bots in the hub, the number of Pokémon active in the distribution pool, and the next person in line in the queues.

Info Module

  • $info: Lists out the bot information including the owner, uptime, runtime and the versions of PKHeX.Core and Auto Legality Mod used in the bot.
    • This information is very helpful to debug any issues with the bot, such as errors about PKHeX and Auto-Legality Mod version mismatch.
    • Info also states other metadata information such as number of Guilds the bot is a part of, as well as the number of channels and active users who are in the server.

Log Module

  • $loghere: A bot admin command which adds logging to the channel this command was used in. This prints all the logs to that channel in real-time. Logging can get your bot throttled by Discord; this should only be used sparingly for debugging.
  • $loginfo: Shows the logging settings for the bot.
  • $logclear: Clears logging for the channel the command is used in.
  • $logclearall: Clears all logging settings.

Echo Module

  • $echohere: A bot admin command which adds echoes to the channel this command was used in. This prints bot status changes as well as Raid Bot status updates.
  • $echoinfo: Shows the echo settings for the bot.
  • $echoclear: Clears echoes for the channel the command is used in.
  • $echoclearall: Clears all logging settings.
  • $toss: Discards an EncounterBot match if ContinueAfterMatch is set to PauseWaitAcknowledge.

Trade Start Module

  • $starthere: A bot admin command which adds trade starts to the channel this command was used in. This prints ticket IDs for users being served.
  • $startinfo: Shows the trade start settings for the bot.
  • $startclear: Clears trade start messages for the channel the command is used in.
  • $startclearall: Clears all trade start settings.

Sudo Module

Allows managing different kinds of bans and blacklists.

Bans by Discord user ID

  • $blacklist: Disallows a @user by Discord account from accessing the bot.
  • $blacklistComment <Discord ID> <comment>: Adds a comment for a blacklisted Discord ID.
  • $unblacklist: Removes a blacklist on a specified Discord user.
  • $blacklistid: Disallows a user by Discord user ID from accessing the bot.
  • $unblacklistid: Removes a blacklist on a specified Discord user ID.
  • $blacklistsummary: Prints a list of blacklisted Discord users.

Bans by Nintendo ID

  • $banID: Disallows a user by Nintendo ID from using the bot (instantly quits when found).
  • $bannedIDComment <Nintendo ID> <comment>: Adds a comment for a banned NID.
  • $unbanID: Removes a ban on a specified online Nintendo ID.
  • $bannedIDSummary: Prints a list of banned Nintendo IDs.

Trade Abuse Monitoring

  • $forget: Removes an online Nintendo ID from the lists of previously encountered users.
  • $prevuser: Prints a list of previously encountered users (may not work if list is very long).

Owner Module

  • $addsudo: A bot admin command to grant admin powers to a @user. Use with caution.
  • $removesudo: A bot admin command to remove admin powers from a @user.
  • $addchannel: A bot admin command to whitelist a channel for bot commands.
    • If no channels are whitelisted, the bot will accept commands from all channels it is in. If at least one channel is whitelisted, then it will only respect whitelisted channels.
  • $removechannel: A bot admin command to unwhitelist a channel for bot commands.
  • $leave: Instructs the bot to leave the current server.
  • $leaveguild <guild ID>: Instructs the bot to leave a server by guild ID.
  • $leaveall: Instructs the bot to leave all servers.
  • $sudoku: Terminates the bot process. Beware that this will not save any changes to settings.

Bot Module

  • $botstatus: A bot admin command to print the status of all bots.
  • $botstart: A bot admin command to start a bot by local IP address.
  • $botstop: A bot admin command to stop a bot by local IP address.
  • $botidle: A bot admin command to idle a bot by local IP address.
  • $botchange: A bot admin command to change a trade bot's type by local IP address.
  • $botrestart: A bot admin command to restart a bot by local IP address.

Legality Check Module

  • $lc: Checks the legality of the attached PKM file.
  • $lcv: Does the same thing as $lc but gives a verbose report about the legality.

Legalizer Module

  • $legalize: Tries to legalize the attached PKM file using Auto-Legality Mod.
  • $convert: Generates a legal PKM file using a Showdown Set using Auto-Legality Mod. This also requires an argument for generation in which the Pokemon is supposed to be generated.

Batch Editing Module

  • $batchinfo: Gets information about a requested property, such as Species.
  • $batchvalidate: Checks if a batch command is valid.

Queue Module

  • $queuestatus: Shows the user their position and queue they are in.
  • $queueclear: Removes the user who entered the command from queues.
  • $queueclearuser: A bot admin command to remove a specified @user from queues.
  • $queueclearall: A bot admin command to remove all users from queues.
  • $queuetoggle: A bot admin command to manually open or close queuing.
  • $queuemode: A bot admin command that changes how queuing is controlled (manual/threshold/interval).
  • $queuelist: A bot admin command to list all users in queues.

Batch Module

  • $batchinfo: Displays the type of data for a specific field. For example, $batchinfo OT_Name will show that this is a String.
  • $batchvalidate: Validates a batch command. For example, $batchvalidate =Gen7=True will tell you this is a valid batch line.

Ping Module

  • $ping: Makes the bot respond with Pong! to show that it is running.

Hello Module

  • $hello: Makes the bot respond with a customizable greeting.

Pool Module

  • $poolreload: This is a bot admin command to reload the Distribution pool from the set Distribution folder. Allows adding PK8 files without a full reboot.
  • $poolcount: Displays the count of Pokémon files in the random pool.

Trade Module

  • $trade: Makes the bot trade you the provided PKM file or Showdown Set by adding it to the queue. This can convert older generation files to generation 8.
  • $tradelist: A bot admin command to check the current trade queue users.
  • $bantrade <ID> "Comment": A bot admin command to ban a user by Nintendo ID. The ID can be found in logs or in echoes when trade abuse is detected, if the setting is enabled.
  • $tradeuser: A bot admin command to trade a provided PK8 to another user.

Seedcheck Module

  • $seedcheck: Adds user to the queue so they can check their raid seed.
  • $seedlist: A bot admin command to check the current seedcheck queue users.
  • $findframe: Displays results for a given Raid Den seed.

Clone Module

  • $clone: Adds user to the queue so they can clone a Pokémon.
  • $clonelist: A bot admin command to check the current clone queue users.

Dump Module

  • $dump: Adds user to the queue so they can dump Pokémon.
  • $dumplist: A bot admin command to check the current dump queue users.

Remote Control Module

Twitch Commands

Most of these commands are similar or more limited versions of Discord commands. Find the matching command in the list above for more details.

User Commands

  • $trade: Same as for Discord but only accepts Showdown Sets.
  • $ts: Same as $queuestatus.
  • $tc: Same as $queueclear.
  • $code: Gives a queued user their trade code.

Bot Admin Commands

  • $tca: Same as $queueclearall.
  • $pr: Same as $poolreload.
  • $pc: Same as $poolcount.
  • $tt: Same as $queuetoggle.
  • $tcu: Same as $queueclearuser.

Note: As SysBot.Pokemon grows and evolves, the above list may be out of date or incomplete. It is recommended to use the $help command to see the currently available commands, or to just view the source code to see what is available.

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