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Filter Syntax

Sébastien Cottinet edited this page Jun 9, 2021 · 6 revisions

This section documents how to write and use Koncorde filters.

Table of Contents



Matches attributes using strict equality.
The tested attribute must be a scalar (number, string or boolean), and of the same type than the provided filter value.


equals: {
  <field name>: <value>


Given the following documents:

  firstName: 'Grace',
  lastName: 'Hopper'
  firstName: 'Ada',
  lastName: 'Lovelace'

The following filter validates the first document:

  equals: { firstName: 'Grace' }


Test for the existence of a key in an object, or of a scalar in an array.


exists: 'nested.field.path' (see nested field syntax)

exists: 'nested.array[value]' (see array value syntax)

The following syntax is deprecated since Koncorde 1.2, and supported for backward compatibility only:

exists: { field: 'nested.field.path' }


Given the following documents:

  firstName: 'Grace',
  lastName: 'Hopper',
  city: 'NYC',
  hobby: ['compiler', 'COBOL'],
  alive: false
  firstName: 'Ada',
  lastName: 'Lovelace',
  city: 'London',
  hobby: ['programming', 'algorithm']

The following filter validates the first document:

  exists: 'alive'

And this filter validates the second document:

  exists: 'hobby["algorithm"]'


Filter documents containing a geographical point confined within a provided bounding box:

Illustration of geoBoundingBox

A bounding box is a 2D box that can be defined using either of the following formats:

  • 2 geopoints, defining the top left (topLeft or top_left) and bottom right (bottomRight or bottom_right) corners of the box
  • 4 distinct values defining the 4 box corners: top and bottom are latitudes, left and right are longitudes

The bounding box description must be stored in an attribute, named after the geographical point to be tested in future documents.


geoBoundingBox: { 
  <geopoint field name>: {
    <bounding box description>

Bounding box description

All of the following syntaxes below are accepted, and they describe the same bounding box, with the following properties:

  • top-left corner of latitude 43.5810609 and longitude 3.8433703
  • bottom-right corner of latitude 43.6331979 and longitude 3.9282093
  top: 43.5810609,
  left: 3.8433703,
  bottom: 43.6331979,
  right: 3.9282093
  topLeft: { lat: 43.5810609, lon: 3.8433703 },
  bottomRight: { lat: 43.6331979, lon: 3.9282093 }
  top_left: "43.5810609, 3.8433703",
  bottom_right: "43.6331979, 3.9282093"


Given the following documents:

  firstName: 'Grace',
  lastName: 'Hopper',
  location: {
    lat: 32.692742,
    lon: -97.114127
  firstName: 'Ada',
  lastName: 'Lovelace',
  location: {
    lat: 51.519291,
    lon: -0.149817

The following filter will match the second document only:

  geoBoundingBox: {
    location: {
      top: -2.939744,
      left: 52.394484,
      bottom: 1.180129,
      right: 51.143628


Filter documents containing a geographical point, whose position is within a distance radius centered around a provided point of origin:

Illustration of geoDistance

A geoDistance filter contains the following properties:

  • a geopoint (accepted formats) defining the point of origin. This geopoint attribute must be named after the geographical point to test in future documents
  • a distance parameter (accepted formats)


geoDistance: {
  <geopoint field name>: {
    <geopoint description>
  distance: <geodistance>


Given the following documents:

  firstName: 'Grace',
  lastName: 'Hopper',
  location: {
    lat: 32.692742,
    lon: -97.114127
  firstName: 'Ada',
  lastName: 'Lovelace',
  location: {
    lat: 51.519291,
    lon: -0.149817

The following filter will match the second document only:

  geoDistance: {
    location: {
      lat: 51.5029017,
      lon: -0.1606903
    distance: '10km'


Filter documents containing a geographical point, whose position is within a distance range from a given point of origin:

Illustration of geoDistanceRange

A geoDistanceRange filter contains the following properties:

  • a geopoint(accepted formats) defining the center point of the distance range. This geopoint attribute must be named after the geographical point to test in future documents
  • a from attribute, describing the minimum distance from the center point, using a geodistance (accepted formats)
  • a to attribute, describing the maximum distance from the center point, using a geodistance (accepted formats)


geoDistanceRange: {
  <geopoint field name>: {
    <geopoint description>
  from: <geodistance>,
  to: <geodistance>


Given the following documents:

  firstName: 'Grace',
  lastName: 'Hopper',
  location: {
    lat: 32.692742,
    lon: -97.114127
  firstName: 'Ada',
  lastName: 'Lovelace',
  location: {
    lat: 51.519291,
    lon: -0.149817

The following filter will match the second document only:

  geoDistanceRange: {
    location: [51.5029017, -0.1606903],
    from: '1km',
    to: '10 kilometers'


Filter documents containing a geographical point, confined within a polygon of an arbitrary number of sides:

Illustration of geoPolygon

A geoPolygon filter is described using an array of geopoints (accepted formats). At least 3 points are needed.

Koncorde automatically closes geopolygons.

Different geopoint formats can be used to describe different corners of a polygon.


geoPolygon: {
  <geopoint field name>: {
    points: <geopoints array>


Given the following documents:

  firstName: 'Grace',
  lastName: 'Hopper',
  location: {
    lat: 32.692742,
    lon: -97.114127
  firstName: 'Ada',
  lastName: 'Lovelace',
  location: {
    lat: 51.519291,
    lon: -0.149817

The following filter will match the second document only:

  geoPolygon: {
    location: {
      points: [
        { lat: 51.523029, lon: -0.160793 },
        [51.522842, -0.145043],
        '51.518303, -0.146116',
        { latLon: {lat: 51.516487, lon: -0.162295 }},


Like equals, but accepts an array of possible scalar values to be tested.


in: { <field name>: <array of values> }


Given the following documents:

  firstName: 'Grace',
  lastName: 'Hopper'
  firstName: 'Ada',
  lastName: 'Lovelace'
  firstName: 'Marie',
  lastName: 'Curie'

The following filter validates the first two documents:

  in: { firstName: ['Grace', 'Ada'] }


A filter matching documents either with a missing field in an object, or with a missing value in an array.


missing: 'nested.field.path' (see nested field syntax)

missing: 'nested.array[value]' (see array value syntax

The following syntax is deprecated since Koncorde 1.2, and supported for backward compatibility only:

missing: { field: 'nested.field.path' }


Given the following documents:

  firstName: 'Grace',
  lastName: 'Hopper',
  city: 'NYC',
  hobbies: ['compiler', 'COBOL'],
  alive: false
  firstName: 'Ada',
  lastName: 'Lovelace',
  city: 'London',
  hobbies: ['algorithm', 'programming'],

The following filter validates the second document:

  missing: 'alive'

And this filter validates the first document:

  missing: 'hobbies["algorithm"]'


Filters documents with number attributes within a provided interval.

A range can be defined with at least one of the following arguments:

  • gte: Greater-than or equal to <number>
  • gt: Greater-than <number>
  • lte: Less-than or equal to
  • lt: Less-than

Ranges can be either bounded or half-bounded.


range: {
  <field to be tested>: {
    [gte]: <number>,
    [gt]: <number>,
    [lte]: <number>,
    [lt]: <number>


Given the following documents:

  firstName: 'Grace',
  lastName: 'Hopper',
  age: 85,
  city: 'NYC',
  hobby: 'computer'
  firstName: 'Ada',
  lastName: 'Lovelace',
  age: 36
  city: 'London',
  hobby: 'computer'
  firstName: 'Marie',
  lastName: 'Curie',
  age: 55,
  city: 'Paris',
  hobby: 'radium'

The following filter validates the last two documents:

  range: {
    age: {
      lt: 85


The regexp filter matches attributes using either RE2 (by default), or PCREs.

See Koncorde's constructor options to know how to choose the regexp engine.


A regexp filter has the following structure, splitting the usual /pattern/flags into two parts:

regexp: {
  <field name>: {
    value: '<search pattern>',
    flags: '<modifier flags>'

If you don't need any modifier flag, then you may also use the following simplified form:

  regexp: {
    <field name>: '<search pattern>'


Given the following documents:

  firstName: 'Grace',
  lastName: 'Hopper'
  firstName: 'Ada',
  lastName: 'Lovelace'

The following filter validates the first document:

  regexp: {
    firstName: {
      value: '^g\w+',
      flags: 'i'


Operands allow to compose complex filters.


The and filter takes an array of filter objects, combining them with AND operands.


and: Object[]


Given the following documents:

  firstName: 'Grace',
  lastName: 'Hopper',
  city: 'NYC',
  hobby: 'computer'
  firstName: 'Ada',
  lastName: 'Lovelace',
  city: 'London',
  hobby: 'computer'

The following filter validates the first document:

  and: [
    { equals: { city: 'NYC' } },
    { equals: { hobby: 'computer' } }


A filter matching documents matching boolean combinations of other queries.

This operand accepts at least one of the following attributes:

  • must: all listed conditions must be true
  • must_not: all listed conditions must be false
  • should: at least one of the listed condition must be true
  • should_not: at least one of the listed condition must be false


bool: {
  [must]: Object[],
  [must_not]: Object[],
  [should]: Object[],
  [should_not]: Object[]


Given the following documents:

  firstName: 'Grace',
  lastName: 'Hopper',
  age: 85,
  city: 'NYC',
  hobby: 'computer'
  firstName: 'Ada',
  lastName: 'Lovelace',
  age: 36
  city: 'London',
  hobby: 'computer'
  firstName: 'Marie',
  lastName: 'Curie',
  age: 55,
  city: 'Paris',
  hobby: 'radium'

The following filter validates the second document:

  bool: {
    must : [
      { in : { firstName : ['Grace', 'Ada'] } },
      { range: { age: { gte: 36, lt: 85 } } }
    'must_not' : [
      { equals: { city: 'NYC' } }
    should : [
      { equals : { hobby : 'computer' } },
      { exists : 'lastName' }


The not filter inverts a matching result.


not: Object


Given the following documents:

  firstName: 'Grace',
  lastName: 'Hopper',
  city: 'NYC',
  hobby: 'computer'
  firstName: 'Ada',
  lastName: 'Lovelace',
  city: 'London',
  hobby: 'computer'

The following filter validates the first document:

  not: { equals: { city: 'London' } }


The or filter takes an array containing filter objects, combining them using OR operands.


or: <array>


Given the following documents:

  firstName: 'Grace',
  lastName: 'Hopper',
  city: 'NYC',
  hobby: 'computer'
  firstName: 'Ada',
  lastName: 'Lovelace',
  city: 'London',
  hobby: 'computer'
  firstName: 'Marie',
  lastName: 'Curie',
  city: 'Paris',
  hobby: 'radium'

The following filter validates the first two documents:

  or: [
    { equals: { city: 'NYC' } },
    { equals: { city: 'London' } }