st is a simple terminal emulator for X which sucks less. Way better than xterm or urxvt, and more lightweight. 6 times more lightweight than alacritty, and yet already support ligatures and many more.
- Alpha : This patch allows users to change the opacity of the background. Note that you need an X composite manager (e.g. compton, xcompmgr) to make this patch effective.
- Scrollback : Enables us to scroll up in terminal using Shift + [PageUp, PageDown] or (in this repo) using Scrollwheel or touchpad.
- Font Ligatures : Add support for font ligatures in our terminal.
- Clipboard : This trivial patch sets CLIPBOARD on selection.
- font2 : This patch allows to add spare font besides default.
- Desktop Entry : This enables to find st in a graphical menu and to display it with a nice icon
In order to build st you need the Xlib header files. in Ubuntu, it's already shipped by default, but just to make sure, run:
sudo apt install libx11-dev
Edit to match your local setup (st is installed into the /usr/local namespace by default).
Afterwards enter the following command to build and install st (if necessary as root):
sudo make clean install
Run st
from terminal or search st from start menu.
If you did not install st with make clean install, you must compile the st terminfo entry with the following command:
tic -sx
See the man page for additional details.
Action | Key Combination |
Copy | ctrl + shift + c |
Paste | ctrl + shift + v |
Zoom In | ctrl + shift + PageUp |
Zoom Out | ctrl + shift + PageDown |
Reset Zoom | ctrl + shift + Home |
The colorscheme patch is a custom patch, it is not the ones from colorscheme
It is solarized.dark
exported from with a different bg and fg color.
Also the defaultfg
, defaultbg
and defaultcs
are not static
s, otherwise it won't compile.
- Fix Keyboard Input : Add a few previously undefined keys. Removed as this was used for additional keys for zooming.
If you want to edit the config, then edit the or config.def.h (not the config.h, because it's automatically generated when compiling (make install command)
Applying patches from use:
# download the patch and place it in patches folder
curl -O --output-dir patches<name-of-patch>.diff
# Add custom patch
patch -Np1 -i patches/<name-of-patch>.diff
patch < <name-of-patch>.diff
- Forked from Shorai/st
- Original st website
- Based on Aurélien APTEL [email protected] bt source code.