The model was designed to analyze switching behavior of customers in the GSM sector through the Agent Based Modeling approach.
The model in this project helps to understand switching process between three operators.
Number Of Customers: 10.000
Number Of Operators: 3
Time Period: 36 month
Repetition: 100 times
Switchin decision based on utilities customer gained from operators.
Customers face to face to decide the best operator for themselves at the end of each month and according to the calculations in switching decision of customers that focuses on the utilities customer gain from each operator based on specific criteria and general values namely brand image and price policies. Due to the fact that all factors that affect the switching behavior cannot be embodied in the model so that the results could be interpreted in reliability, all unpredicted effect are included in the model by adding probability to the model.
Number Of Customers
Brand ImageOf GSM Company
Price Factor Of Company
Churn Rate
Churn Number