###Document Management API
This is a simple API to help a user with a predefined role create and manage documents. Users create documents and speciy the roles that are allowed to access the document by defining an access level.
Admins can access all documents, while owners can access their documents as well as all public documents.
- Download and install Node Js and MongoDB
- Clone the repository or download the project zip file from the project github page here.
- Navigate to the root of the folder and ensure you are in the master branch
- Run npm install to install required dependencies
##API Endpoints.
- to manage users send http requests to
- to manage documents send http requests to
- to manage roles send http requests to
Testing is done using Supertest and Jasmine. Supertest enables sending requests to the various API endpoints. To test the system, navigate to the root folder of the project and make sure you are in the master branch by running git branch. Finally, run the following command in a tab in order:
- npm test