Provides access to Binary Ninja from Haskell through the Binary Ninja shared library.
The minimum required Binary Ninja version is 3.4.4271
with a headless license.
In order to successfully build the binaryninja-haskell
must be available.
On Linux, by default, this is typically found at /path/to/binaryninja/
and requires creating a symbolic link with the command: ln -s
On Linux, the following environment variables must also be present. Users can update their .bashrc
with the following environment variables:
export BINJA_PLUGINS=/path/to/binaryninja/plugins
export BLAZE_BINJA_API=/path/to/binaryninja-api
When building the project with stack
, it may be necessary to provide the path to binaryninja
using the command: stack build --extra-lib-dirs=/path/to/binaryninja
- Ensure the BN core shared library is placed/installed correctly such that it can be found during linking of the bindings.
- Use
stack build
andstack test
to build or test the package, respectively. - Note: When updates to the Binary Ninja API are made, a C-compliant
header file must be generated. Place in theres/
directory and the bindings can now be built.
If a new version of Binary Ninja is released that either breaks ABI backwards-compatibility, or adds a new desirable feature, then the bindings need to be updated.
First, users should clone and checkout the tag that corresponds to a Binary Ninja release.
For instance, Binary Ninja 3.4.4271 corresponds to the v3.4.4271-stable
The binaryninjacore.h
header file from binaryninja-api
may be used to update the bindings of binaryninja-haskell
. However, first they must be cleaned using binja-header-cleaner
From the binja-header-cleaner
directory within this repository, the following command may be run:
stack run clean-binja-header -- /path/to/binaryninja-api/binaryninjacore.h res/binaryninjacore.h
Approved for Public Release, Distribution Unlimited.