My Project Solutions From Udacity Data Engineer Nanodegree Program.
Set up a relational database using PostgreSQL to model user activity data for sparkify - a music streaming app.
Tasks Completed:
- Administrated a PostgreSQL DB locally.
- Developed create a star schema optimized for queries on the fact & dimension tables
- Implemented ETL pipeline to create and load data into fact and dimension tables.
Concepts Learned:
- Normalization
- ACID Principle
- Star & Snowflake Schema
- ETL Workflows
Core Technologies Used:
- Python (Pandas, Jupyter, psycopg2)
- PosgreSQL
Set up noSQL database tables using Apache Cassandra to answer business questions about user activity for sparkify - a music streaming app.
Tasks Completed:
- Administrated a Apache Cassandra DB locally
- Created Tables in Keyspace based on defined queries that denormalizes the star schema, optimized to answer business questions
- Implemented ETL pipeline to create and load data into tables
Concepts Learned:
- Distribute Database Design
- CAP(Consistency, Availability, Partition Tolerance) Theorem
- Partitioning with Primary Key & Clustering Columns
Core Technologies Used:
- Python (Pandas, Jupyter, cassandra)
- Apache Cassandra
Set up a data warehouse using Amazon Redshift containing user activity data for sparkify - a music streaming app.
Tasks Completed:
- Administered a Redshift Cluster on AWS(Created roles & users)
- Staged raw data from S3 into Redshift
- Performed ETL to extract from staging tables, transform and create optimized tables for performing analytics
Concepts Learned:
- IAM Roles
- COPY from S3
- Distributed Columnar Database Design (DISTKEY, SORTKEY)
Core Technologies Used:
- Python (Pandas, Jupyter, psycopg2, boto3)
- Apache Cassandra
Set up a spark data lake using Amazon EMR that performs analytics on user activity data for sparkify - a music streaming app.
Tasks Completed:
- Administered a EMR Cluster on AWS(Created roles & users)
- Performed ETL to Read Data From S3 using PySpark, performs transformation and saves results as parquet files on S3
Concepts Learned:
- Schema On Read
- Data Lake Implementation Options on AWS
- Parquet Files
Core Technologies Used:
- Python (Pandas, PySpark)
- Apache Spark
- Amazon Elastic MapReduce(EMR)
Set up a data pipeline using Apache Airflow that schedules and monitors workflow for performing analytics on user activity data for sparkify - a music streaming app.
Tasks Completed:
- Administered a Apache Airflow (Setup connections, Server, UI, Scheduler)
- Administered Amazon Redshift Database
- Created Custom Operators For Performing Tasks to stage raw data to Redshift, load fact & dimension tables to redshift and perform quality checks on resulting data
Concepts Learned:
- Directed Acyclic Graphs(DAGs) relevance to data pipelines
- Operators, Tasks, Hooks, Connections, Context Templating on Apache Airflow
- Data Lineage, Scheduling, Backfilling, Partitioning and Quality Checks
Core Technologies Used:
- Python (airflow)
- Apache Airflow
For my capstone project I developed a data pipeline that creates an analytics database for querying information about immigration into the U.S on a monthly basis. The analytics tables are hosted in a Redshift Database and the pipeline implementation was done using Apache Airflow.