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anthonydahanne committed Jun 13, 2019
1 parent a20807c commit 7fa74af
Showing 1 changed file with 334 additions and 0 deletions.
334 changes: 334 additions & 0 deletions content/fr/docs/reference/setup-tools/kubeadm/
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@@ -0,0 +1,334 @@
title: kubeadm init
content_template: templates/concept
weight: 20
{{% capture overview %}}
Cette commande initialise un noeud Kubernetes control-plane.
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### Séquence (workflow) d'initialisation {#init-workflow}
`kubeadm init` assemble un noeud Kubernetes control-plane en effectuant les étapes suivantes :

1. Exécute une série de validations pour valider l'état du système avant d'y apporter des changements.
Certains validations ne peuvent juste qu'émettre des avertissements (warnings),
d'autres peuvent générer des erreurs qui forceront l'interruption de kubeadm
jusqu'à ce que le problème soit résolu
ou jusqu'à ce que l'utilisateur spécifie `--ignore-preflight-errors=<list-of-errors>`.

1. Génère une autorité de certification (CA) auto signée (ou utilise une existante si spécifiée) pour
installer les identités de chaque composant du cluster. Si l'utilisateur a fourni son propre certificat
et/ou clef de CA en le(la) copiant dans le répertoire des certificats, configuré avec `--cert-dir`
(`/etc/kubernetes/pki` par défaut) cette étape est sautée comme expliqué dans le document
[Utiliser ses propres certificats](#custom-certificates).
Les certificats de l'APIServer auront des entrées SAN additionnelles pour chaque argument `--apiserver-cert-extra-sans` , en minuscule au besoin.

1. Ecrit les fichiers kubeconfig dans `/etc/kubernetes/` pour la
kubelet, le controller-manager et l'ordonnanceur (scheduler)
qui seront utlisés pour les connexions à l'API server, chacun avec sa propre identité,
ainsi qu'un fichier kubeconfig supplémentaire pour l'administration, nommé `admin.conf`.

1. Génère des manifestes statiques de Pod pour l'API server,
le controller manager et l'ordonnanceur. Au cas où aucun etcd externe n'est fourni,
un manifeste statique de Pod pour etcd est généré.

Les manifestes statiques de Pod sont écrits dans `/etc/kubernetes/manifests`;
la kubelet surveille ce répertoire afin que les Pods soient créés au démarrage.

Dès lors que les pods de control-plane sont démarrés, la séquence de `kubeadm init` peut alors continuer.

1. Applique les étiquettes (labels) et marques (taints) au noeud control-plane afin qu'aucune workload additionnelle ne s'y exécutent.

1. Génère le jeton que les noeuds additionnels peuvent utiliser pour s'enregistrer avec un control-plane. Il est possible que l'utilisateur fournisse un jeton en utilisant `--token`,
comme décrit dans la documentation [jeton kubeadm](/docs/reference/setup-tools/kubeadm/kubeadm-token/).

1. Produit tous les fichiers de configuration requis pour autoriser les noeuds à rejoindre le cluster avec les
[jetons d'assemblage](/docs/reference/access-authn-authz/bootstrap-tokens/) et le mécanisme
[d'assemblage TLS](/docs/reference/command-line-tools-reference/kubelet-tls-bootstrapping/) :

- Ecrit une ConfigMap pour produire toute la configuration nécessaire
pour rejoindre le cluster et installer les règles d'accès RBAC sous jacentes.

- Permet aux jetons d'assemblage d'accéder à l'API CSR (Certificate Signing Request, requête de signature de certificat).

- Configure l'acceptation automatique des nouvelles requêtes CSR.

Voir [kubeadm join](/docs/reference/setup-tools/kubeadm/kubeadm-join/) pour de l'information complémentaire.

1. Installe un serveur DNS (CoreDNS) et les modules de l'extension kube-proxy en utilisant l'API Server.
Dans la version 1.11 (et au delà) de Kubernetes, CoreDNS est le serveur DNS par défaut.
Poiur installer kube-dns au lieu de CoreDNS, l'extension DNS doit être configurée dans la `ClusterConfiguration` de kubeadm.
Pour plus d'information, se référer à la section ci-dessous intitulée :
`Utiliser kubeadm init avec un fichier de configuration`.
Remarque : bien que le serveur DNS soit déployé, il ne sera pas programmé pour exécution avant que CNI soit installé.

### Using init phases with kubeadm {#init-phases}

Kubeadm allows you create a control-plane node in phases. In 1.13 the `kubeadm init phase` command has graduated to GA from it’s previous alpha state under `kubeadm alpha phase`.

To view the ordered list of phases and sub-phases you can call `kubeadm init --help`. The list will be located at the top of the help screen and each phase will have a description next to it.
Note that by calling `kubeadm init` all of the phases and sub-phases will be executed in this exact order.

Some phases have unique flags, so if you want to have a look at the list of available options add `--help`, for example:

sudo kubeadm init phase control-plane controller-manager --help

You can also use `--help` to see the list of sub-phases for a certain parent phase:

sudo kubeadm init phase control-plane --help

`kubeadm init` also expose a flag called `--skip-phases` that can be used to skip certain phases. The flag accepts a list of phase names and the names can be taken from the above ordered list.

An example:

sudo kubeadm init phase control-plane all --config=configfile.yaml
sudo kubeadm init phase etcd local --config=configfile.yaml
# you can now modify the control plane and etcd manifest files
sudo kubeadm init --skip-phases=control-plane,etcd --config=configfile.yaml

What this example would do is write the manifest files for the control plane and etcd in `/etc/kubernetes/manifests` based on the configuration in `configfile.yaml`. This allows you to modify the files and then skip these phases using `--skip-phases`. By calling the last command you will create a control plane node with the custom manifest files.

### Using kubeadm init with a configuration file {#config-file}

{{< caution >}}
The config file is still considered beta and may change in future versions.
{{< /caution >}}

It's possible to configure `kubeadm init` with a configuration file instead of command
line flags, and some more advanced features may only be available as
configuration file options. This file is passed in the `--config` option.

In Kubernetes 1.11 and later, the default configuration can be printed out using the
[kubeadm config print](/docs/reference/setup-tools/kubeadm/kubeadm-config/) command.

It is **recommended** that you migrate your old `v1alpha3` configuration to `v1beta1` using
the [kubeadm config migrate](/docs/reference/setup-tools/kubeadm/kubeadm-config/) command,
because `v1alpha3` will be removed in Kubernetes 1.15.

For more details on each field in the `v1beta1` configuration you can navigate to our
[API reference pages](

### Adding kube-proxy parameters {#kube-proxy}

For information about kube-proxy parameters in the kubeadm configuration see:
- [kube-proxy](

For information about enabling IPVS mode with kubeadm see:
- [IPVS](

### Passing custom flags to control plane components {#control-plane-flags}

For information about passing flags to control plane components see:
- [control-plane-flags](/docs/setup/production-environment/tools/kubeadm/control-plane-flags/)

### Using custom images {#custom-images}

By default, kubeadm pulls images from ``, unless
the requested Kubernetes version is a CI version. In this case,
`` is used.

You can override this behavior by using [kubeadm with a configuration file](#config-file).
Allowed customization are:

* To provide an alternative `imageRepository` to be used instead of
* To set `useHyperKubeImage` to `true` to use the HyperKube image.
* To provide a specific `imageRepository` and `imageTag` for etcd or DNS add-on.

Please note that the configuration field `kubernetesVersion` or the command line flag
`--kubernetes-version` affect the version of the images.

### Using custom certificates {#custom-certificates}

By default, kubeadm generates all the certificates needed for a cluster to run.
You can override this behavior by providing your own certificates.

To do so, you must place them in whatever directory is specified by the
`--cert-dir` flag or `CertificatesDir` configuration file key. By default this
is `/etc/kubernetes/pki`.

If a given certificate and private key pair exists, kubeadm skips the
generation step and existing files are used for the prescribed
use case. This means you can, for example, copy an existing CA into `/etc/kubernetes/pki/ca.crt`
and `/etc/kubernetes/pki/ca.key`, and kubeadm will use this CA for signing the rest
of the certs.

#### External CA mode {#external-ca-mode}

It is also possible to provide just the `ca.crt` file and not the
`ca.key` file (this is only available for the root CA file, not other cert pairs).
If all other certificates and kubeconfig files are in place, kubeadm recognizes
this condition and activates the "External CA" mode. kubeadm will proceed without the
CA key on disk.

Instead, run the controller-manager standalone with `--controllers=csrsigner` and
point to the CA certificate and key.

### Managing the kubeadm drop-in file for the kubelet {#kubelet-drop-in}

The kubeadm package ships with configuration for how the kubelet should
be run. Note that the `kubeadm` CLI command never touches this drop-in file.
This drop-in file belongs to the kubeadm deb/rpm package.

To find out more about how kubeadm manages the kubelet have a look at
[this page](/docs/setup/independent/kubelet-integration).

### Use kubeadm with CRI runtimes

Since v1.6.0, Kubernetes has enabled the use of CRI, Container Runtime Interface, by default.
The container runtime used by default is Docker, which is enabled through the built-in
`dockershim` CRI implementation inside of the `kubelet`.

Other CRI-based runtimes include:

- [cri-containerd](
- [cri-o](
- [frakti](
- [rkt](

Refer to the [CRI installation instructions](/docs/setup/cri) for more information.

After you have successfully installed `kubeadm` and `kubelet`, execute
these two additional steps:

1. Install the runtime shim on every node, following the installation
document in the runtime shim project listing above.

1. Configure kubelet to use the remote CRI runtime. Please remember to change
`RUNTIME_ENDPOINT` to your own value like `/var/run/{your_runtime}.sock`:

cat > /etc/systemd/system/kubelet.service.d/20-cri.conf <<EOF
Environment="KUBELET_EXTRA_ARGS=--container-runtime=remote --container-runtime-endpoint=$RUNTIME_ENDPOINT"
systemctl daemon-reload

Now `kubelet` is ready to use the specified CRI runtime, and you can continue
with the `kubeadm init` and `kubeadm join` workflow to deploy Kubernetes cluster.

You may also want to set `--cri-socket` to `kubeadm init` and `kubeadm reset` when
using an external CRI implementation.

### Setting the node name

By default, `kubeadm` assigns a node name based on a machine's host address. You can override this setting with the `--node-name`flag.
The flag passes the appropriate [`--hostname-override`](/docs/reference/command-line-tools-reference/kubelet/#options)
to the kubelet.

Be aware that overriding the hostname can [interfere with cloud providers](

### Self-hosting the Kubernetes control plane {#self-hosting}

As of 1.8, you can experimentally create a _self-hosted_ Kubernetes control
plane. This means that key components such as the API server, controller
manager, and scheduler run as [DaemonSet pods](/docs/concepts/workloads/controllers/daemonset/)
configured via the Kubernetes API instead of [static pods](/docs/tasks/administer-cluster/static-pod/)
configured in the kubelet via static files.

To create a self-hosted cluster see the `kubeadm alpha selfhosting` command.

#### Caveats

1. Self-hosting in 1.8 and later has some important limitations. In particular, a
self-hosted cluster _cannot recover from a reboot of the control-plane node_
without manual intervention.

1. A self-hosted cluster is not upgradeable using `kubeadm upgrade`.

1. By default, self-hosted control plane Pods rely on credentials loaded from
volumes. Except for initial creation, these credentials are not managed by

1. The self-hosted portion of the control plane does not include etcd,
which still runs as a static Pod.

#### Process

The self-hosting bootstrap process is documented in the [kubeadm design

In summary, `kubeadm alpha selfhosting` works as follows:

1. Waits for this bootstrap static control plane to be running and
healthy. This is identical to the `kubeadm init` process without self-hosting.

1. Uses the static control plane Pod manifests to construct a set of
DaemonSet manifests that will run the self-hosted control plane.
It also modifies these manifests where necessary, for example adding new volumes
for secrets.

1. Creates DaemonSets in the `kube-system` namespace and waits for the
resulting Pods to be running.

1. Once self-hosted Pods are operational, their associated static Pods are deleted
and kubeadm moves on to install the next component. This triggers kubelet to
stop those static Pods.

1. When the original static control plane stops, the new self-hosted control
plane is able to bind to listening ports and become active.

### Running kubeadm without an internet connection

For running kubeadm without an internet connection you have to pre-pull the required control-plane images.

In Kubernetes 1.11 and later, you can list and pull the images using the `kubeadm config images` sub-command:

kubeadm config images list
kubeadm config images pull

In Kubernetes 1.12 and later, the `*`, `` and `` images
don't require an `-${ARCH}` suffix.

### Automating kubeadm

Rather than copying the token you obtained from `kubeadm init` to each node, as
in the [basic kubeadm tutorial](/docs/setup/production-environment/tools/kubeadm/create-cluster-kubeadm/), you can parallelize the
token distribution for easier automation. To implement this automation, you must
know the IP address that the control-plane node will have after it is started.

1. Generate a token. This token must have the form `<6 character string>.<16
character string>`. More formally, it must match the regex:

kubeadm can generate a token for you:

kubeadm token generate

1. Start both the control-plane node and the worker nodes concurrently with this token.
As they come up they should find each other and form the cluster. The same
`--token` argument can be used on both `kubeadm init` and `kubeadm join`.

Once the cluster is up, you can grab the admin credentials from the control-plane node
at `/etc/kubernetes/admin.conf` and use that to talk to the cluster.

Note that this style of bootstrap has some relaxed security guarantees because
it does not allow the root CA hash to be validated with
`--discovery-token-ca-cert-hash` (since it's not generated when the nodes are
provisioned). For details, see the [kubeadm join](/docs/reference/setup-tools/kubeadm/kubeadm-join/).
{{% /capture %}}
{{% capture whatsnext %}}
* [kubeadm init phase](/docs/reference/setup-tools/kubeadm/kubeadm-init-phase/) to understand more about
`kubeadm init` phases
* [kubeadm join](/docs/reference/setup-tools/kubeadm/kubeadm-join/) to bootstrap a Kubernetes worker node and join it to the cluster
* [kubeadm upgrade](/docs/reference/setup-tools/kubeadm/kubeadm-upgrade/) to upgrade a Kubernetes cluster to a newer version
* [kubeadm reset](/docs/reference/setup-tools/kubeadm/kubeadm-reset/) to revert any changes made to this host by `kubeadm init` or `kubeadm join`
{{% /capture %}}

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