Paperclip Database Storage is an additional storage option for Paperclip. It give you the opportunity to store your paperclip binary file uploads in the database along with all your other data.
I realised that in my opinion few things can be done better.
- there is no need for multiple tables. Only one is required, rest can be done by polymorphic association.
- there is no need to create separate controller for serving attachment files. I created middleware that do this job.
gem "paperclip_database", git: ''
You use paperclip_database
by specifying database
as storage for
your paperclip and create a migration for the additional database
In your model:
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
has_attached_file :avatar,
:storage => :database ## This is the essence
:styles => { :medium => "300x300>", :thumb => "100x100>" }
There is a migration generator that will create a basic migration for the extra table.
rails generate paperclip_database:migration install
Jarl Friis (