This repository contains a Dockerfile for creating a Docker image with Ansible, used in GitLab CI.
This Docker image is based on Alpine Linux 3.16.2 and includes:
- Ansible 10.4.0 (current version)
- Python 3
- Additional tools: git, openssh, sshpass
- Python libraries: boto3, requests, python-gitlab, python-dotenv
The image is optimized for use in CI/CD pipelines, particularly in GitLab CI.
Main stages of image building:
- Installing base dependencies
- Installing Ansible and required Python packages
- Clearing cache and removing temporary files to reduce image size
To build the image:
docker build -t ansible-image .
To run the container:
docker run -it --rm \
-v $(pwd):/ansible \
-w /ansible \
ansible-image ansible-playbook --syntax-check playbooks/*
- The image has an empty entrypoint. In GitLab CI, you need to specify direct commands, such as:
ansible-playbook --syntax-check playbooks/* -i inventory
- For use in GitLab CI, it is recommended to set the path to the Ansible configuration file in the ANSIBLE_CONFIG variable:
ANSIBLE_CONFIG: "/path/to/your/ansible.cfg"