Contributors: Angela Dyrmishi, Urslan Malik, James Quinn, Kelvin Stephano.
Habits are Forever is a website that allows users to track their habits, be it custom or default. Users can enter an amount for a habit in order to increase its progress. Gamification elements such as streaks, top streaks and a leaderboard are implemented to encourage user engagement. Authentication using JsonWebToken and BCrypt as well as refresh tokens are used to ensure account security.
This website is deployed on Netlify and has a Node Express server deployed through Heroku.
- Clone the repo into your desired repository.
- Open a terminal and navigate to the client folder and run
npm i
. - Navigate to the server folder and run
npm i
- Use the command
npm run start
to start the server ornpm run dev
to do in dev mode with Nodemon. - Right click on index.html in the client folder and select Open with Live Server.