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#7 Compared files, but got a little bit lost
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velgaks committed Aug 25, 2022
1 parent 8dab99f commit 5a8628d
Showing 1 changed file with 276 additions and 0 deletions.
276 changes: 276 additions & 0 deletions analysis/tasks/02-compare-rada-sources-hatsko.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,276 @@
#' ---
#' title: "02 - Compare Rada Source"
#' author: "Valentyn Hatsko"
#' date: "Last updated: `r Sys.Date()`"
#' ---
#+ echo=F ----------------------------------------------------------------------
rmarkdown::render(input = "./analysis/tasks/02-compare-rada-sources-hatsko.R") # run to knit, don't uncomment
#+ echo=F ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# align the root with the project working directory
opts_knit$set(root.dir='../../') #Don't combine this call with any
#+ echo=F ----------------------------------------------------------------------
rm(list = ls(all.names = TRUE)) # Clear the memory of variables from previous run.
#This is not called by knitr, because it's above the first chunk.
#+ results="hide",echo=F -------------------------------------------------------
cat("\014") # Clear the console
#+ load-sources ------------------------------------------------------------
base::source("./scripts/common-functions.R") # project-level
#+ load-packages ---------------------------------------------------------------

#+ set_options, echo=F ---------------------------------------------------------
echo_chunks <- TRUE
eval_chunks <- TRUE
cache_chunks <- TRUE
report_render_start_time <- Sys.time()
options(width=100) # number of characters to display in the output (dflt = 80)
Sys.setlocale("LC_CTYPE", "russian")

#+ declare-globals -------------------------------------------------------------
# Constant values that won't change throughout the report

# printed figures will go here:
prints_folder <- paste0("./manipulation/prints/")
if (!fs::dir_exists(prints_folder)) { fs::dir_create(prints_folder) }

names_hromada <- c(

names_rada <- c(

col_types_hromada_raw <- readr::cols_only(
`Hromada_category` = readr::col_character(),
`Region` = readr::col_character(),
`Raion` = readr::col_character(),
`Hromada` = readr::col_character(),
`Hromada_code` = readr::col_character(),
`Main_council_code` = readr::col_character(),
`Council_codes_v1` = readr::col_character(),
`Decision_date_v1` = readr::col_character(),
`Council_codes_v2` = readr::col_character(),
`Decision_date_v2` = readr::col_character(),
`Council_codes_v3` = readr::col_character(),
`Decision_date_v3` = readr::col_character(),
`Council_codes_v4` = readr::col_character(),
`Decision_date_v4` = readr::col_character(),
`Council_codes_v5` = readr::col_character(),
`Decision_date_v5` = readr::col_character(),
`Council_codes_final` = readr::col_character(),
`voluntary_amalgamation` = readr::col_character()

path_rada <- "./data-private/raw/rada.csv"
path_hromada <- "./data-private/raw/hromada.csv"
path_admin <- "./data-private/derived/ua-admin-map.rds"
#+ declare-functions -----------------------------------------------------------

#+ results="asis", echo=F ------------------------------------------------------
cat("\n# Data ")
#+ load-data, eval=eval_chunks -------------------------------------------------

# source: "LOCAL" Центр суспільних даних. Місцеві ради 2014. tab 'all'
#ентр суспільних даних. Місцеві ради 2014
ds0_rada <- readr::read_csv(path_rada, col_names = names_rada, skip = 1)

# source: "UNITED" Центр суспільних даних. Обєдання громад. tab 'all'
ds0_hromada <- readr::read_csv(
,col_types = col_types_hromada_raw # because had some trouble with parsing issues
,skip = 0

# Kодифікатор. tab "raw"
ds_map <- readr::read_rds(path_admin)

#+ inspect-data ----------------------------------------------------------------
ds_map %>% glimpse()
ds0_rada %>% glimpse()
ds0_hromada %>% glimpse()

#+ tweak-data, eval=eval_chunks ------------------------------------------------
# List of radas and hromadas they belong to from the file "Місцеві ради 2014"
rada_local <-
ds0_rada %>%
# filter(! %>%
distinct(rada_code, hromada_code) %>%
arrange(rada_code, hromada_code)

# List of rads and hromadas they belong to from the file "Обь'єднання громад"
names(ds0_hromada) <- names_hromada
rada_united <-
ds0_hromada %>%
filter(!hromada_code == "#N/A") %>%
select(hromada_code, rada_codes_final) %>%
rada_code = str_split(rada_codes_final, ',')
) %>%
select(-rada_codes_final) %>%
unnest(cols = c("rada_code")) %>%
arrange(hromada_code, rada_code)

#+ echo=F, results="asis" ------------------------------------------------------
cat("\n# Problem")
# We have two data files mapping radas to hromadas
# The first dataset we called `rada_local` comes from the file
# "Центр суспільних даних. Місцеві ради 2014"ентр суспільних даних. Місцеві ради 2014
# this data set stores information on N = _______ radas
rada_local %>% pull(rada_code) %>% unique() %>% length() %>% scales::comma()

# the SECOND dataset we called `rada_united` comes from the file
# Центр суспільних даних. Обєдання громад -
# the list of radas in this file counts N = ________ radas
rada_united %>% pull(rada_code) %>% unique() %>% length() %>% scales::comma()
# this file records what radas makes up hromadas at the end of the amalgamation (2021)
# Explore the discrepancy between these two files
# Using the labels in the dataset `ds_admin`, describe what radas/hromadas are
# missing from each file and speculate/expolain why.

# Answer the following question:
# If we disregard the "Local" source and use only rada_united, will we miss anything relevant to our project?
# In other words, if we need to rely on the mapping between radas and hromadas,
# are we safe to use the mapping derived from the "United" source? ( I think yes,
# but we need the proof)

# Notes:
# 1. Occupied territories is the most likely culprit, but there might be something else
# 2. The report should compile into an html document
# 3. Please use the "main" branch, but create a separate script with your solution
# and call it "./analysis/tasks/02-compare-rada-sources-yourname.R"
# #

#+ results="asis", echo=F ------------------------------------------------------
cat("\n# Solution ")

#+ 1. Explore which radas havent been amalgamated -----------------------------
rada_united <- rada_united %>%
mutate(rada_code = as.double(rada_code))

# rada_local has 333 radas that don't belong to hromada
radas_na <- rada_local %>%
filter( %>%

ds_rada_na <- ds0_rada %>%
filter(rada_code %in% radas_na)

# but actually 13 of them are present in rada_united
ds_radas_na_in_united <- rada_united %>%
filter(rada_code %in% radas_na) %>%

# all city radas
ds_rada_na %>%
filter(rada_code %in% ds_radas_na_in_united) %>%

# which hromadas they belong to
hromadas_na_in_local <- rada_united %>%
filter(rada_code %in% ds_radas_na_in_united) %>%

# these radas are actually belong to hromadas, but have NA in rada_local
ds0_hromada %>%
filter(hromada_code %in% hromadas_na_in_local) %>%

# Most missing unamalgamated radas are from Crimea and Donetsk oblast,
# but there are a lot missing in Ternopil
ds_rada_na %>%
group_by(oblast) %>%
summarise(n = n()) %>%

# Most unamalgamated radas are big city radas, but there are
# also 10 radas from 2 raions in Ternopil and 1 rada from raion in Chernigiv
# n.b. need to explore why these radas haven't been amalgamated
ds_rada_na %>%
filter(oblast != 'Автономна Республіка Крим') %>%
group_by(oblast, rai_center) %>%
summarise(n = n()) %>%
arrange(oblast, desc(n)) %>%

#+ 2 Explore which radas are not in rada_united---------------------------------

# list of radas that are not in united
radas_not_in_united <- rada_local %>%
anti_join(rada_united, by = 'rada_code') %>%

# all radas that are not in rada_united don't belong to any hromada,
# same that from task 1
length(intersect(radas_na, radas_not_in_united))

#+ 3 Explore which radas are not in rada_united --------------------------------

# list of hromadas which radas are present in united but not in local
hromadas_not_in_local <- rada_united %>%
anti_join(rada_local, by = 'rada_code') %>%

# list of radas which are present in united but not in local
radas_not_in_local <- rada_united %>%
anti_join(rada_local, by = 'rada_code') %>%

ds0_hromada %>%
filter(hromada_code %in% hromadas_not_in_local) %>%

#+ results="asis", echo=F ------------------------------------------------------
cat("\n# A. Session Information{#session-info}")
#+ results="show", echo=F ------------------------------------------------------
#' For the sake of documentation and reproducibility, the current report was rendered in the following environment.
if( requireNamespace("devtools", quietly = TRUE) ) {
} else {
report_render_duration_in_seconds <- scales::comma(as.numeric(difftime(Sys.time(), report_render_start_time, units="secs")),accuracy=1)
report_render_duration_in_minutes <- scales::comma(as.numeric(difftime(Sys.time(), report_render_start_time, units="mins")),accuracy=1)
#' Report rendered by `r["user"]` at `r strftime(Sys.time(), "%Y-%m-%d, %H:%M %z")` in `r report_render_duration_in_seconds` seconds ( or `r report_render_duration_in_minutes` minutes)

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