I'm Khalid Saifullah and this is my user manual.
I normally wake up between 6 and 7 AM.
On weekday, I get the kids wake up, make their breakfast and lunch, get them ready and drop them at the school.
I usually start working a little before 9 AM and finish around 5 PM. I work from home 4 out of 5 days a week and go to office typically on Thursdays. I have got a dedicated room with ergonomic office setup at home.
My typical days mostly have meetings with immediate teams and external stakeholders. I also allocate some time for study and technical deep dive.
In the evenings, I help kids with their homeworks, make our dinner ready, scroll through social media and sometimes focus on personal developments.
My weekends are full-on with household chores and cooking, volunteering in a community school and sometimes kids activities.
I'm predominantly a visual person. I enjoy conversation face to face or over zoom. I prefer using diagrams, examples and analogies when discussing complex problems and solutions.
The world is asynchronous and communication through online messaging and email are very important. With high frequency of messages, sometimes I struggle to manage the context switching between different channels/threads/emails and often slower to respond messages. Hence I try to focus on smaller group of channels that are usually more important for me than the others.
Knowledge is power. The most effective and efficient way to share the knowledge is on-demand contents, whether they are text, audio or video documents.
Instant feedback works better than a delayed formal feedback for me. I have been lucky to receive constructive feedbacks from my managers and colleages and I feel endebted for those feedbacks.
I would appreciate if you give me raw feedbacks, without sugar coating. Please share your thoughts/feelings, what didn't go well and what could I have been done better. If you prefer to take time, process the data and share your feedback later, I would appreciate that as well.
- Fairness, for myself and everyone around me
- Hard work, the key to success
- Fitness, health is wealth
I have been mentoring people at my workplace. Most of them achieved great career progression. My contribution in their career journey is my achievement.