CMAK (prev. Kafka Manager) is a well-known mature tool for monitoring and managing Apache Kafka clusters.
CMAK operator is a Helm chart combining set of tools, that allows to install and configure CMAK (prev. Kafka Manager) into Kubernetes cluster.
CMAK operator could be installed only with Helm 3. Helm chart is published to public Helm repository, hosted on GitHub itself.
It’s recommended to install CMAK operator into a dedicated namespace.
Add Helm repository
$ helm repo add cmak
$ helm repo update
Install the latest version
$ helm install --create-namespace -n cmak-ns mycmak cmak/cmak-operator
Search for all available versions
$ helm search repo cmak-operator --versions
cmak/cmak-operator 0.2.1 CMAK operator for K8S.
cmak/cmak-operator 0.2.0 CMAK operator for K8S.
Install specific version
$ helm install --create-namespace -n cmak-ns --version 0.2.1 mycmak cmak/cmak-operator
By default, CMAK operator doesn’t create neither |
The simpliest test is to port forward CMAK UI HTTP port and access it from browser .
$ kubectl port-forward -n cmak-ns service/cmak 9000:9000
Then, open http://localhost:9000 in your browser.
CMAK uses configuration file
Every parameter could be overriden via JVM system property, i.e. -DmyProp=myVal
Properties are passed to CMAK container via values.yaml
For example to enable basic auth add following to values.yaml
- "-DbasicAuthentication.enabled=true"
- "-DbasicAuthentication.username=admin"
- "-DbasicAuthentication.password=password"
It’s extremely easy to configure multiple clusters in CMAK, starting from cluster setup, connection settings and ending with authorization using Helm values files.
Check CMAK operator values for all available options and their description.
Minimal values.yaml configuration for adding a several Kafka clusters to CMAK.
- name: "cluster-stage"
zkConnect: "kafka01.stage:2181,kafka02.stage:2181"
- name: "cluster-prod"
zkConnect: ",,"
Connection settings could be configured for all clusters at once or per dedicated cluster.
zkMaxRetry: 100 # (1)
- name: "cluster-stage"
kafkaVersion: "2.4.0" # (2)
zkConnect: "kafka01.stage:2181,kafka02.stage:2181"
- name: "cluster-prod"
kafkaVersion: "2.1.0" # (3)
enabled: false
zkConnect: ",,"
this setting is applied to both clusters.
applied only to
. -
applied only to
Configuration should be passed to helm via command line during installation or upgrade.
$ helm install --create-namespace -n cmak-ns -f cmak-values.yaml mycmak cmak/cmak-operator
CMAK operator comprises following components:
CMAK, powered by Docker image from @hleb-albau.
Apache ZooKeeper, powered by official Docker image.
Custom cmak2zk tool, used to configure Kafka clusters in CMAK from YAML files.
Following desing choices were made.
was developed as a part of CMAK operator and actively used by the operator itself.
But the same time this tool could be used on its own outside of Helm charts and Kubernetes.
Its purpose is to take Kafka cluster configuration for CMAK in YAML format and populate CMAK compatible config in Zookeeper. This allows to avoid manual configuration of CMAK and provides better possibilities to use CMAK in declarative configuration or GitOps based flows.
is distributed as docker image
available at DockerHub.
To check out available options, run the image without parameters.
$ docker run eshepelyuk/cmak2zk:1.4.1
Example docker-compose
and Kafka cluster configuration are located at
cmak2zk/examples directory.
One could run them using commands below.
$ curl -sLo clusters.yaml \
$ curl -sLo docker-compose-cmak2zk.yaml \
$ docker-compose -f docker-compose-cmak2zk.yaml up
Wait for some time until components are stabilizing, it may take up to 5 mins. Then, open your browser at http://localhost:9000. There should be two pre-configured clusters, pointing to the same Kafka instance, running in Docker.
AKHQ project seems to be the most active open source tool for managing and monitoring Kafka clusters. It could be missing some functionality from CMAK, but their developers are open for feature requests and contributions.
Your contributions like feature suggesstions, bug reports and pull requests are always welcomed. Please check CONTRIBUTING.adoc for details.