##Purpose of this project## This project is for personal training for JavaScript stem technologies.
- AngularJS
- MongoDB
- Mongoose
- NodeJS
- Express
##Screen shot## http://kevangular.herokuapp.com/#!/a-main
###Mobile### Chrome App (Apache CODOVA), Android and IOS version
###List Banners Information### http://kevangular.herokuapp.com/banners
###Get Banner Information### http://kevangular.herokuapp.com/banners/:bannerId
Example: http://kevangular.herokuapp.com/banners/5424791b254f310800385bfd
###List Product Information### http://kevangular.herokuapp.com/products
###List Product Information Under a specific banner ### http://kevangular.herokuapp.com/products/list/:bannerId
Example: http://kevangular.herokuapp.com/products/list/5424791b254f310800385bfd
Create a test driven API call
#7_13# Clone to Home PC
#7_14# userlist view added
user information dashboard(not connected with db) example
1. userlist.client.controller.js
2. userlist.client.view.html
- userlist dashboard
- product-description directive This directive will shows product image and description
- extracting user information
- filtering user information
##Build API## GET: /galleries (DONE) list all galleries items(json)
GET: /galleries/userlist list all of user informations
GET: /users/all list all of user's information
/galleries/productlist list all of product list
build Authentication version of API
##Front-End## implementing product-description directive(30%) Design Quiz directive (10%)
- Considering a Polymer integration
- Design framework material design http://blog.sethladd.com/2014/02/angular-and-polymer-data-binding.html
##Front-End## implementing product-description directive(30%) Design Quiz directive (10%) Implementation of Quiz directive Toolbar Test (Polymer) URL: http://kevangular.herokuapp.com/#!/test-polymer
##Back-End## Connect Social Network(Facebook, Twitter, and Google+)
#(Plan)7_18# ##Front-End## Decorate product-description directive Test polymer is working from AngularJS Directive scope Design Quiz directive Implementation of Quiz directive
#7_24# Communication between Angular and Polymer https://github.com/eee-c/angular-bind-polymer
#7_25# Build Directive by using Polymer elements
Create a editor option 1 1 column description
option 2 2 column description
option 3 3 column description
option 1.1 Image + Description
option 2.1 Image(Left) + Description
option 2.2 Image(right) + Description
option 3.1 Image + Description + Image
option 3.2 Description + Image + Description
#7_29# YouTube Directive implementation files: \public\modules\galleries\directives\youtube\youtube.html \public\modules\galleries\directives\youtube.client.directive.js
applied to (http://kevangular.herokuapp.com/#!/galleries/gview)
##plan## directive styling
#7_31# GSAP Draggable rotation (Image http://kevangular.herokuapp.com/#!/galleries/gview)
#8_1# Apply velocity and snap degree on the Draggable Directive
#8_3# Add SCSS and responsive animated grid gallery
#8_11# menuList
##RestfulAPI(Backend)## app.route('/menus') .get(menus.list) // working .post(menus.create); // working
app.route('/menus/:menusId') .get(menus.read) .put(users.requiresLogin, menus.hasAuthorization, menus.update) .delete(users.requiresLogin, menus.hasAuthorization, menus.delete);
##File Added(Fronend)## added route and view
#8_12# Added Google Map directive Menu Form
#8_13# Image Drag and Drop directive
#8_14# Request:
- Top Nav Bar Shrink if it doesn't use for 30 second
- Expending a image
#8_15# Designing a Background
http://www.java2s.com/Open-Source/Javascript_Free_Code/AngularJS/Download_angularJS_TwitterSearch_Free_Java_Code.htm http://codepen.io/GreenSock/pen/zDwEk
##BezierPlugin## http://codepen.io/GreenSock/pen/Krfod
##DirectionalRotationPlugin## http://codepen.io/GreenSock/pen/jiEyG
##preloader## http://codepen.io/GreenSock/pen/KCaBn
#8/18# Front View http://kevangular.herokuapp.com/
Model: https://testcenter.duolingo.com/
#8/19# CSS
#9/5# create rChart directive
Example controller
$scope.example1 = {
src: 'library(rCharts)\n'+
'hair_eye_male <- subset(as.data.frame(HairEyeColor), Sex == "Male")\n' +
'nPlot(Freq ~ H' +
'air, group = "Eye", data = hair_eye_male, type = "multiBarChart")',
title:'Multi Bar Chart'
<r-chart r-source="example1"></r-chart>
<r-chart r-source="example2"></r-chart>
#9/17# /#!/a-main responsive column and rendering custom directive and http://stackoverflow.com/questions/20297638/call-function-inside-sce-trustashtml-string-in-angular-js
#9/20# Google Permallinks http://gdurl.com/
#9/25# https://github.com/googledrive/realtime-tasks/blob/master/app/scripts/app.js implementing a Google Drive
#10/21# JWT Imeplementation /egghead