- 34 warmup (incl. alternative + variation)
- 52 stretching (incl. alternative + variation)
- pick 12 warmup and 12 stretching randomly
- integrate like/dislike to change probability
- each is 20 seconds, 5 seconds transition
- 12 exercises * 2 (warmup + stretch) * 25s = 600s = 10min + 30 sec transition between phases >>> total of 10.5 min
- like/dislike button (local storage)
- exercise card
- name
- image
- progress bar underneath
- pause button - below card
- total time indicator - above card
- loading indicator while images load
- session history
- what were exercises of previous sessions
- integrate in date picker/calendar
- exercise stats
- how many time each exercise was done
- total time/etc
- exercise settings
- liked/disliked
- implement main menu
- implement session stepper
- category
- difficulty