Finding the probability of the existence of a connected graph in 2 ways:
- Modeling. In this case, according to the adjacency matrix, where the paths existence probabilities are indicated, subgraphs are repeatedly constructed (specified with tests number) and then, summing up the number of connected graphs and dividing it on the number of tests, the probability is calculated.
- Brute forcing. All vertices in the graph whose probability is greater than 0 are considered as possible ones and all subgraphs are iterated with the calculation of probability for connected ones. Summing up all the probabilities, the final one is calculated.
The program is a CLI app written in Python 3.9.6, which alternately performs the two operations described above.
Usage: -s SIZE -n NUMBER [-m] [-v] [-t] [-h]
-s SIZE, --size SIZE Adjacency matrix size - number of vertices.
-n NUMBER, --number NUMBER
Number of tests for simulation process.
-m, --manual If argument is provided, you will be asked to enter the adjacency matrix.
-v, --verbose If argument is provided, more detailed output will be shown.
-t, --timer If argument is provided, the time will be measured for each operation.
-h, --help Show this help message and exit.