Adds 'Did you mean' feature in the R interactive.
DYM package is now on CRAN! You can install the packege with the following command.
Otherwise, you can get the latest version of the package from this repository:
> library(DYM)
Run options(error = DYM()) to enable 'Did you mean' feature
> options(error = DYM())
> t_test
Error: object 't_test' not found
Did you mean: 't.test'
> map
Error: object 'map' not found
Did you mean: ['mad', 'Map', 'max']
If you have ~/.Rprofile
file to load on startup,
append the following line to enable the feature:
options(error = DYM::DYM())
See help(DYM)
for function parameters.
My blog post explains how this package work (in Japanese/日本語).