The Simple Parallel TIFF Writer (SPTW) provides a useful interface for writing GeoTIFF files using MPI-IO.
In traditional parallel processing applications, individual output rasters are created per processor because GDAL does not support parallel operation. This adds unnecessary complexity since these rasters must be recombined at the end.
SPTW provides sequential consistency only when all write operations are nonconflicting, that is, each write operation accesses a distinct section of the raster file.
In the prasterblater-pio demo program, each pixel of the output raster is contained in only one partition and each partition is only assigned to one process. This ensures all write accesses are nonconflicting and that sequential consistency is maintained.
- open_raster
- populate_tile_offsets
- write_area
- close_raster
Example usage can be found in examples/test.cpp
SPTW achieves sequential consistency but it is almost certainly not optimal. Possble improvements include:
Currently all file writes are done with non-collective operations. MPI I/O supports collective calls in which use a shared file pointer and file accesses are coordinated among processes.
SPTW is only used to write the output file in the prasterblasterpio demo program. The file reads are done with the standard I/O functions. The use of collective reads may be more efficient.