ed3247a chore: update dependabot configuration file
9bcf4be chore: add dependabot configuration file
a86664e chore: move to unique repository name
6e3cbc9 chore: move to unique repository name
a71f7e3 chore: alignment of documentation
2cb3ff6 chore: add example for private repository
7073178 chore: add options for testing the application against a local markdown file
8ab1ee6 feat: add option to pass github token to the github client
4dc4350 fix: mismatch between environment names and configuration
c07a69d chore: cleanup around newlines
a6cf938 feat: add workflow for publishing the action
267ebb1 chore: update readme example with open-pull-request job step
dc907cc chore: add additional new-line to divide the generated code from the guards
c035388 chore: make sure the application exits on error
5840d12 chore: add more error handeling around guard
89a71c5 chore: move to non-deprecated version of read- and write file
379c496 chore: align variable usage
1ee523b feat: add initial application code
78529e0 chore: add information around desired usage
0827188 chore: add information around desired usage
2a41545 chore: empty lines to prevent showing guards
51ebba5 chore: add information around the application and example output
e8d8b32 feat: initialise repository
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