The PHP-Client is a lightweight wrapper for the Alpha Vantage.
- PHP 7.1+
- composer (
- AlphaVantage Key, that you get @ AlphaVantage-Api-Key
php composer.phar require kokspflanze/alpha-vantage-api
// Option
$option = new AlphaVantage\Options();
// Client
$client = new AlphaVantage\Client($option);
var_dump($client->foreignExchange()->currencyExchangeRate('BTC', 'CNY'));
You can also use it with containers, using the PSR-11 standard for easy integration in a project.
You need require the suggest psr/container
php composer.phar require psr/container
Register the Alpha Vantage Factory:
return [
'dependencies' => [
'factories' => [
'alphavantage' => \AlphaVantage\Factory\AlphaVantageFactory::class,
with the following configuration:
return [
'alpha_vantage' => [
'api_key' => 'APIKEY',