This package contains logic to play the game of go. Nothing related to the go language... It is godash ported to elixir, but it checks also ko rule, and holds information about captures count.
The package can be installed by adding elixir_go
to your list of dependencies in mix.exs
def deps do
[{:elixir_go, "~> 0.4.0"}]
See tests for sample usage.
iex> alias Go.{Game, Board}
iex> game ={size: 9})
iex> {:ok, game} = Game.add_move(game, {{2, 2}, :black})
iex> {:ok, game} = Game.add_move(game, {{3, 3}, :white})
iex> game.current_board |> Board.to_ascii_board |> IO.puts
Add TextClient CLI for text based game
iex> Go.TextClient.start
game_state: running
move_number: 0
winner: none
black's move: cc
game_state: running
move_number: 1
winner: none
white's move: resign
game over, the winner is black
** (exit) normal
(elixir_go) lib/go/text_client/player.ex:8:
It is now possible to import/export sgf files.
iex> filename = "test/fixtures/example.sgf"
iex> {:ok, sgf} = filename
iex> {:ok, game} = Go.Game.from_sgf(sgf)