Calculator (Additional features to Windows Calculator)
Feature 1 - Multiple Data Sources Implementation (Polymorphism):
- SQL with Sqlconnection library
- SQL with Entity Framework
- CSV with Csvhelper
- HTTPClient API (provided by WebApplicationServer in my project)
- HTTPClient API generated from Swagger.Json
- They provide data persistence in the calculator.
Feature 2 - Dependency injection
- EF Core context injected
Feature 3 - Class Library
- Can be imported into other programs
Feature 4 - Encapsulation
Feature 5 - Async
- Data Storage done asynchronously
This project is developed with
- .NET Core and ASP.NET Core
Additional tools used in development
- SSMS (SQL Server Management Studio)
The client program starts from CalculatorClient/MainWindow.xaml.cs
The server program starts from WebApplicationServer/Program.cs