Impalathing is a small Go wrapper library the thrift interface go Impala
It's based on hivething
Working on this you quickly realize that having strings deliminated by tabs is a ugly API... (That's the thrift side of things)
To add kerberos support this requires header files to build against the GSSAPI C library. They can be installed with:
Ubuntu: sudo apt-get install libkrb5-dev
MacOS: brew install homebrew/dupes/heimdal --without-x11
Debian: yum install -y krb5-devel
in order to use kerberos, you need an extra dependency
go get -tags kerberos
go build --tags=kerberos
before starting your application, you should kinit first, for example
kinit -k -t impala.keytab impala/[email protected]
package main
import (
func main() {
host := "impala-host"
port := 21000
con, err := impalathing.Connect(host, port)
// if you use kerberos
con, err := impalathing.Connect(host, port, impalathing.WithGSSAPISaslTransport())
if err != nil {
log.Fatal("Error connecting", err)
query, err := con.Query("SELECT user_id, action, yyyymm FROM engagements LIMIT 10000")
startTime := time.Now()
total := 0
for query.Next() {
var (
user_id string
action string
yyyymm int
query.Scan(&user_id, &action, &yyyymm)
total += 1
fmt.Println(user_id, action)
log.Printf("Fetch %d rows(s) in %.2fs", total, time.Duration(time.Since(startTime)).Seconds())