docker build --network=host --progress=plain -t bevfusion_docker .
docker run --net host --gpus all -v $(pwd)/autoware_lidar_bevfusion:/workspace/autoware/src/autoware_lidar_bevfusion -v $(pwd)/autoware_tensorrt_common:/workspace/autoware/src/autoware_tensorrt_common -it bevfusion_docker
source /opt/ros/humble/setup.bash
cd autoware
colcon build --symlink-install --continue-on-error --packages-up-to autoware_lidar_bevfusion --event-handlers console_direct+ --cmake-args -DCMAKE_VERBOSE_MAKEFILE=ON -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release
source install/setup.bash
ros2 launch autoware_lidar_bevfusion lidar_bevfusion.launch.xml model_path:=/workspace/autoware/src/autoware_lidar_bevfusion/config
We provide some scripts to test and benchmark the inference of BEVFusion
./build/autoware_lidar_bevfusion/build_camera_lidar_engine \
/workspace/autoware/src/autoware_lidar_bevfusion/config/bevfusion_traveller59.onnx \
/workspace/autoware/build/autoware_lidar_bevfusion/ \
/workspace/autoware/bevfusion_traveller59.engine 0
./build/autoware_lidar_bevfusion/run_camera_lidar_engine \
build/autoware_lidar_bevfusion/ \
bevfusion_traveller59.engine 0
./build/autoware_lidar_bevfusion/build_camera_lidar_engine \
/workspace/autoware/src/autoware_lidar_bevfusion/config/bevfusion_cl_traveller59.onnx \
/workspace/autoware/build/autoware_lidar_bevfusion/ \
/workspace/autoware/bevfusion_cl_traveller59.engine 1
./build/autoware_lidar_bevfusion/run_camera_lidar_engine \
build/autoware_lidar_bevfusion/ \
bevfusion_cl_traveller59.engine 1
Modailty | GPU | Backend | Precision | #Voxels | Time [ms] |
L | RTX3060 | Pytorch | fp32 | 68k | 412.3 |
CL | RTX3060 | Pytorch | fp32 | 68k | 4103.3 |
L | RTX3060 | TensorRT | fp32 | 68k | 56.1 |
CL | RTX3060 | TensorRT | fp32 | 68k | 132.5 |
L | RTX3090 | TensorRT | fp32 | 68k | 25.6 |
CL | RTX3090 | TensorRT | fp32 | 68k | 56.0 |
Memory usage (including preprocessing buffers):
- L: 1428MB
- CL: 3072MB
- BEVFusion lidar only and camera-lidar are compatible, although the current code only allows for camera-lidar
- Can not be integrated into autoware yet due to TensorRT 10
- The logic to handle missing cameras has not been implemented
- The logic to trigger detection has not been fully implemented (depending on the sensor setup, the lidar may not trigger the inference)
- The results should improve a few milliseconds since the onnx has redundant operations
- If the latency needs to be further reduced, fp16 is needed. The current code does not handle that, but is not difficult