- This is a simple web application to send OTP to your saved contacts.
- This has 2 menus 'Home' - The main page and 'Sent Messages' - Where you can view all the sent messages.
- Download and install NodeJS and MongoDB.
- Clone this repository.
- In the terminal, type npm install & npm start to setup and run the application.
Open terminal, type npm run test-watch, there are in total 14 test cases which should pass.
- I have used the Twilio API to send the OTP messages.
- The API credentials are saved in a JSON file inside app/configs/credentials.json
- I used the following
- Code Editior : VS Code
- Librariies:
- Express, body-parser, EJS, Ldash, Mongoose, Mongodb, Twilio, Validator
- Mocha, Supertest and Expect is used for testing.
- Icons are taken from : Flaticon and are Made by Freepik, Licensed under CC 3.0