A christmas light sequence for Raspberry Pi and WS2801 lamps.
Background: I got a Raspbarry Pi and two strips of WS2801 lamps (100 in total). What I want to do is some nice christmas lightning when it hangs outside my house. It's not for a christmas tree.
Some code is borrowed/stolen from an arduino projects I found called MashedPixels
HARDWARE I have connected these pins to my WS2801 lamps: PIN 6 - GROUND PIN 19 - GPIO10 (SPI_MOSI) is connected to DI PIN 21 - GPIO11 (SPI_CLK) is connected to CI
The power to the WS2801 comes from seperate USB power.
Don't forget to enable SPI with "sudo raspi-config". It is turned off by default.
MashedPixels note: