fMRI outlier detection, and parcellation, and denoising
To be be run AFTER preprocessing. The expected order of operations would be:
- Save parcellated timeseries with NO denoising, filtering, etc
- Inputs = full NIfTI time series, ROI labeled volume
- Outputs = *_ts.mat file with [timepoints x ROIs]
- Save information about motion and global signal outliers (comparable to ART in CONN toolbox)
- Inputs = full NIfTI time series and motion parameter file, and a brain mask file for computing global signal (recommended if data is very large)
- Outputs = outliers.txt (Tx1 binary vector of 1s and 0s where 1 = outlier timepoint) and outlier_parameters.mat (timeseries used for outlier estimation including global signal, FD, dvars, and individual motion regressors)
- Compute nuisance regressors from data
- Inputs = full NIfTI time series, motion parameter file, outlier.txt file, masks for WM, CSF, and GM (for GSR and CompCor regressors)
- Outputs = confounds.mat (TxM) time series with columns for GSR, CompCor, motion, and outlier nuisance regressors
- Denoise and/or filter the parcellated time series from (1), and save FC matrices
- Inputs = parcellated _ts.mat from (1), confounds.mat from (3)
- Options = Perform bandpass filtering after denoising, compute FC matrix using correlation (Pearson), covariance, precision (inv(cov)), or partial correlation
- Outputs = FC(type).mat (RxR connectivity matrix), and/or _tsclean.mat (TxR denoised time series)