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BLSTM model implementation in Knet

Task Definition

TODO: put the task definition here


BLSTM model accepts sequence as an input, and in this task our sequences are input sentences. Thus, we need to arrange the senteces such that train method of the model should take the whole sentence and calculate the loss per token.

Suppose that you have a data file such that in eachline of that file there exists one single sentence of length n. There you can use Data type as follows:

datafile = "readme_data.txt"
batchsize = 3
test_data = Data(datafile; batchsize=batchsize)
for sequence in test_data
	# Feed your blstm model with that sequence

To understand what sequence is let's go through with an example. Suppose you have 3 test sentences of length 6 and batchsize is 3:

  • The dog ran out of memory
  • Doga is a name in Turkish
  • Life is short let us code

When you construct a data out of that test sentences the sequence will be an array of length 8. You may ask why not 6 but 8, well that is because Data padds the special start and end of sentence tokens as follows: <s> "sentence" </s> and here is how sequence looks like:

[[<s>, <s>, <s>],
[The, Doga, Life],
[dog, is, is],
[ran, a short],
[out, name, let],
[of, in, us],
[memory, Turkish, code], 
[</s>, </s>, </s>]]

However, one more trick here is applied by Data is that each word is not represented as regular string but instead they are encoded as one-hots where 1 represented as true and 0s represented as false for the sake of memory usage. Finally, each element of the sequence is a bitarray of size batchsize, vocabulary. The very final version of sequence:

julia> sequence
8-element Array{BitArray{2},1}:
 Bool[true false  false false; true false  false false; true false  false false]
 Bool[false false  false false; false false  false false; false false  false false]
 Bool[false false  false false; false false  false false; false false  false false]
 Bool[false false  false false; false false  false false; false false  false false]
 Bool[false false  false false; false false  false false; false false  false false]
 Bool[false false  false false; false false  false false; false false  true false]
 Bool[false false  false false; false false  false false; false false  false true]
 Bool[false true  false false; false true  false false; false true  false false]

julia> sequence[1]
3×20 BitArray{2}:
 true  false  false  false  false  false  false  false  false  false  false  false  false  false  false  false  false  false  false  false
 true  false  false  false  false  false  false  false  false  false  false  false  false  false  false  false  false  false  false  false
 true  false  false  false  false  false  false  false  false  false  false  false  false  false  false  false  false  false  false  false

julia> sequence[4]
3×20 BitArray{2}:
 false  false  false  false  false   true  false  false  false  false  false  false  false  false  false  false  false  false  false  false
 false  false  false  false  false  false  false  false  false  false  false   true  false  false  false  false  false  false  false  false
 false  false  false  false  false  false  false  false  false  false  false  false  false  false  false  false   true  false  false  false

TODO:put additional futures of Data

Ps: Since it is written for my own understanding and testing purpose, I am not recommending to read preproptest.jl file, unless you want to help me to create more sophisticated test coverage.


The model used in this task is Bidirectional LSTM. If you are not comfortable with RNNs and LSTMs, I highly recommend Colah's nice blog post. Assuming, you understand the internal dynamics of LSTMs, we can dive into the details of the model. Suppose we have an original input sequence with tokens x1, x2, x3.Recall from Data preprocessing step will pad the sequence by start and end tokens, therefore the sequence becomes < s >,x1, x2, x3, < /s >. Remember our task was to find the subsitute token by reading the input normal and reverse orders. That is achieved in 4 steps:

  1. Sequence is embedded from sparse one-hots to dense vectors.
  2. Forward LSTM reads the input, and the hidden states are collected at each time step,
  3. Backward LSTM reads the input, and the hidden states are collected at each time step.
  4. Merge layer generates a prediction at each time step by taking hidden states of forward and backward LSTMs.

Let's go deeper in each step:

1) Sequence Embedding:

This is just a matrix multiplication: TODO: put a figure here Knet success embedding with the following code:

function embed_sequence(parameter, sequence, atype)
    embedded_sequence = Array(atype, length(sequence))
    for i=1:length(sequence)
        embedded_sequence[i] = sequence[i] * parameter
    return embedded_sequence

It takes whole sequence once and creates embedded sequence array.

2)Forward LSTM reading

The role of forward LSTM in overall task is to provide a knowledge of the next input token based on the previous sequence reading. Thus, it does not need the end of sentence token, < /s >, because there is no next of that token. As a result the following picture obtained during the forward lstm hidden layer collection:

Loss function implementation details

Here let y pred be the prediction vector which has batchsize many rows and vocabulary size many columns:


The traditional softmax output and loss for a single instance would be

equation and equation

Let's play with the logarithmic term in the loss function:


Finally, see how knet makes that trick:

ynorm = logp(ypred,2) # ypred .- log(sum(exp(ypred),2))

Thanks to Professor Deniz Yuret for his genuine help in understanding the concepts.


language modeling using bilstm in Knet8







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