Built with React Native and Expo
Note that most things are not installed using Homewbrew. Homebrew is nice for personal projects but doesn't scale well for teams.
- nvm (installed without brew)
- rvm (installed without brew)
- ruby-2.7.4 installed inside of rvm and selected
- node v18.16.0 installed inside of nvm and selected
- npm v9.4.2 installed inside of node v18.16.0 and selected
- yarn v1.22.19 (installed without brew)
- watchman (via homebrew)
which yarn
should be/Users/{USER}/.yarn/bin/yarn
which rvm
should be/Users/{USER}/.rvm/bin/rvm
which node
should be/Users/{USER}/.nvm/versions/node/v18.16.0/bin/node
which npm
should be/Users/{USER}/.nvm/versions/node/v18.16.0/bin/npm
nvm list
should include-> v18.16.0
rvm list
should include=* ruby-2.7.4 [ arm64 ]
- Run
npx expo-env-info@latest