forked from zaproxy/zaproxy
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thc202 edited this page Aug 17, 2019
6 revisions
Component | Name | Type | Parameters | Description |
alert | alert | view | id* | Gets the alert with the given ID, the corresponding HTTP message can be obtained with the 'messageId' field and 'message' API method |
alert | alerts | view | baseurl start count riskId | Gets the alerts raised by ZAP, optionally filtering by URL or riskId, and paginating with 'start' position and 'count' of alerts |
alert | alertsSummary | view | baseurl | Gets number of alerts grouped by each risk level, optionally filtering by URL |
alert | numberOfAlerts | view | baseurl riskId | Gets the number of alerts, optionally filtering by URL or riskId |
alert | alertsByRisk | view | url recurse | Gets a summary of the alerts, optionally filtered by a 'url'. If 'recurse' is true then all alerts that apply to urls that start with the specified 'url' will be returned, otherwise only those on exactly the same 'url' (ignoring url parameters) |
alert | alertCountsByRisk | view | url recurse | Gets a count of the alerts, optionally filtered as per alertsPerRisk |
alert | deleteAllAlerts | action | Deletes all alerts of the current session. | |
alert | deleteAlert | action | id* | Deletes the alert with the given ID. |
acsrf | optionTokensNames | view | Lists the names of all anti-CSRF tokens | |
acsrf | addOptionToken | action | String* | Adds an anti-CSRF token with the given name, enabled by default |
acsrf | removeOptionToken | action | String* | Removes the anti-CSRF token with the given name |
acsrf | genForm | other | hrefId* | Generate a form for testing lack of anti-CSRF tokens - typically invoked via ZAP |
pscan | scanOnlyInScope | view | Tells whether or not the passive scan should be performed only on messages that are in scope. | |
pscan | recordsToScan | view | The number of records the passive scanner still has to scan | |
pscan | scanners | view | Lists all passive scanners with its ID, name, enabled state and alert threshold. | |
pscan | currentRule | view | Show information about the passive scan rule currently being run (if any). | |
pscan | maxAlertsPerRule | view | Gets the maximum number of alerts a passive scan rule should raise. | |
pscan | setEnabled | action | enabled* | Sets whether or not the passive scanning is enabled (Note: the enabled state is not persisted). |
pscan | setScanOnlyInScope | action | onlyInScope* | Sets whether or not the passive scan should be performed only on messages that are in scope. |
pscan | enableAllScanners | action | Enables all passive scanners | |
pscan | disableAllScanners | action | Disables all passive scanners | |
pscan | enableScanners | action | ids* | Enables all passive scanners with the given IDs (comma separated list of IDs) |
pscan | disableScanners | action | ids* | Disables all passive scanners with the given IDs (comma separated list of IDs) |
pscan | setScannerAlertThreshold | action | id* alertThreshold* | Sets the alert threshold of the passive scanner with the given ID, accepted values for alert threshold: OFF, DEFAULT, LOW, MEDIUM and HIGH |
pscan | setMaxAlertsPerRule | action | maxAlerts* | Sets the maximum number of alerts a passive scan rule should raise. |
search | urlsByUrlRegex | view | regex* baseurl start count | Returns the URLs of the HTTP messages that match the given regular expression in the URL optionally filtered by URL and paginated with 'start' position and 'count' of messages. |
search | urlsByRequestRegex | view | regex* baseurl start count | Returns the URLs of the HTTP messages that match the given regular expression in the request optionally filtered by URL and paginated with 'start' position and 'count' of messages. |
search | urlsByResponseRegex | view | regex* baseurl start count | Returns the URLs of the HTTP messages that match the given regular expression in the response optionally filtered by URL and paginated with 'start' position and 'count' of messages. |
search | urlsByHeaderRegex | view | regex* baseurl start count | Returns the URLs of the HTTP messages that match the given regular expression in the header(s) optionally filtered by URL and paginated with 'start' position and 'count' of messages. |
search | messagesByUrlRegex | view | regex* baseurl start count | Returns the HTTP messages that match the given regular expression in the URL optionally filtered by URL and paginated with 'start' position and 'count' of messages. |
search | messagesByRequestRegex | view | regex* baseurl start count | Returns the HTTP messages that match the given regular expression in the request optionally filtered by URL and paginated with 'start' position and 'count' of messages. |
search | messagesByResponseRegex | view | regex* baseurl start count | Returns the HTTP messages that match the given regular expression in the response optionally filtered by URL and paginated with 'start' position and 'count' of messages. |
search | messagesByHeaderRegex | view | regex* baseurl start count | Returns the HTTP messages that match the given regular expression in the header(s) optionally filtered by URL and paginated with 'start' position and 'count' of messages. |
search | harByUrlRegex | other | regex* baseurl start count | Returns the HTTP messages, in HAR format, that match the given regular expression in the URL optionally filtered by URL and paginated with 'start' position and 'count' of messages. |
search | harByRequestRegex | other | regex* baseurl start count | Returns the HTTP messages, in HAR format, that match the given regular expression in the request optionally filtered by URL and paginated with 'start' position and 'count' of messages. |
search | harByResponseRegex | other | regex* baseurl start count | Returns the HTTP messages, in HAR format, that match the given regular expression in the response optionally filtered by URL and paginated with 'start' position and 'count' of messages. |
search | harByHeaderRegex | other | regex* baseurl start count | Returns the HTTP messages, in HAR format, that match the given regular expression in the header(s) optionally filtered by URL and paginated with 'start' position and 'count' of messages. |
autoupdate | latestVersionNumber | view | Returns the latest version number | |
autoupdate | isLatestVersion | view | Returns 'true' if ZAP is on the latest version | |
autoupdate | installedAddons | view | Return a list of all of the installed add-ons | |
autoupdate | localAddons | view | Returns a list with all local add-ons, installed or not. | |
autoupdate | newAddons | view | Return a list of any add-ons that have been added to the Marketplace since the last check for updates | |
autoupdate | updatedAddons | view | Return a list of any add-ons that have been changed in the Marketplace since the last check for updates | |
autoupdate | marketplaceAddons | view | Return a list of all of the add-ons on the ZAP Marketplace (this information is read once and then cached) | |
autoupdate | optionAddonDirectories | view | ||
autoupdate | optionDayLastChecked | view | ||
autoupdate | optionDayLastInstallWarned | view | ||
autoupdate | optionDayLastUpdateWarned | view | ||
autoupdate | optionDownloadDirectory | view | ||
autoupdate | optionCheckAddonUpdates | view | ||
autoupdate | optionCheckOnStart | view | ||
autoupdate | optionDownloadNewRelease | view | ||
autoupdate | optionInstallAddonUpdates | view | ||
autoupdate | optionInstallScannerRules | view | ||
autoupdate | optionReportAlphaAddons | view | ||
autoupdate | optionReportBetaAddons | view | ||
autoupdate | optionReportReleaseAddons | view | ||
autoupdate | downloadLatestRelease | action | Downloads the latest release, if any | |
autoupdate | installAddon | action | id* | Installs or updates the specified add-on, returning when complete (ie not asynchronously) |
autoupdate | installLocalAddon | action | file* | |
autoupdate | uninstallAddon | action | id* | Uninstalls the specified add-on |
autoupdate | setOptionCheckAddonUpdates | action | Boolean* | |
autoupdate | setOptionCheckOnStart | action | Boolean* | |
autoupdate | setOptionDownloadNewRelease | action | Boolean* | |
autoupdate | setOptionInstallAddonUpdates | action | Boolean* | |
autoupdate | setOptionInstallScannerRules | action | Boolean* | |
autoupdate | setOptionReportAlphaAddons | action | Boolean* | |
autoupdate | setOptionReportBetaAddons | action | Boolean* | |
autoupdate | setOptionReportReleaseAddons | action | Boolean* | |
spider | status | view | scanId | |
spider | results | view | scanId | |
spider | fullResults | view | scanId* | |
spider | scans | view | ||
spider | excludedFromScan | view | Gets the regexes of URLs excluded from the spider scans. | |
spider | allUrls | view | Returns a list of unique URLs from the history table based on HTTP messages added by the Spider. | |
spider | addedNodes | view | scanId | Returns a list of the names of the nodes added to the Sites tree by the specified scan. |
spider | domainsAlwaysInScope | view | Gets all the domains that are always in scope. For each domain the following are shown: the index, the value (domain), if enabled, and if specified as a regex. | |
spider | optionDomainsAlwaysInScope | view | Use view domainsAlwaysInScope instead. | |
spider | optionDomainsAlwaysInScopeEnabled | view | Use view domainsAlwaysInScope instead. | |
spider | optionHandleParameters | view | ||
spider | optionMaxChildren | view | Gets the maximum number of child nodes (per node) that can be crawled, 0 means no limit. | |
spider | optionMaxDepth | view | Gets the maximum depth the spider can crawl, 0 if unlimited. | |
spider | optionMaxDuration | view | ||
spider | optionMaxParseSizeBytes | view | Gets the maximum size, in bytes, that a response might have to be parsed. | |
spider | optionMaxScansInUI | view | ||
spider | optionRequestWaitTime | view | ||
spider | optionScope | view | ||
spider | optionScopeText | view | ||
spider | optionSkipURLString | view | ||
spider | optionThreadCount | view | ||
spider | optionUserAgent | view | ||
spider | optionAcceptCookies | view | Gets whether or not a spider process should accept cookies while spidering. | |
spider | optionHandleODataParametersVisited | view | ||
spider | optionParseComments | view | ||
spider | optionParseGit | view | ||
spider | optionParseRobotsTxt | view | ||
spider | optionParseSVNEntries | view | ||
spider | optionParseSitemapXml | view | ||
spider | optionPostForm | view | ||
spider | optionProcessForm | view | ||
spider | optionSendRefererHeader | view | Gets whether or not the 'Referer' header should be sent while spidering. | |
spider | optionShowAdvancedDialog | view | ||
spider | scan | action | url maxChildren recurse contextName subtreeOnly | Runs the spider against the given URL (or context). Optionally, the 'maxChildren' parameter can be set to limit the number of children scanned, the 'recurse' parameter can be used to prevent the spider from seeding recursively, the parameter 'contextName' can be used to constrain the scan to a Context and the parameter 'subtreeOnly' allows to restrict the spider under a site's subtree (using the specified 'url'). |
spider | scanAsUser | action | contextId* userId* url maxChildren recurse subtreeOnly | Runs the spider from the perspective of a User, obtained using the given Context ID and User ID. See 'scan' action for more details. |
spider | pause | action | scanId* | |
spider | resume | action | scanId* | |
spider | stop | action | scanId | |
spider | removeScan | action | scanId* | |
spider | pauseAllScans | action | ||
spider | resumeAllScans | action | ||
spider | stopAllScans | action | ||
spider | removeAllScans | action | ||
spider | clearExcludedFromScan | action | Clears the regexes of URLs excluded from the spider scans. | |
spider | excludeFromScan | action | regex* | Adds a regex of URLs that should be excluded from the spider scans. |
spider | addDomainAlwaysInScope | action | value* isRegex isEnabled | Adds a new domain that's always in scope, using the specified value. Optionally sets if the new entry is enabled (default, true) and whether or not the new value is specified as a regex (default, false). |
spider | modifyDomainAlwaysInScope | action | idx* value isRegex isEnabled | Modifies a domain that's always in scope. Allows to modify the value, if enabled or if a regex. The domain is selected with its index, which can be obtained with the view domainsAlwaysInScope. |
spider | removeDomainAlwaysInScope | action | idx* | Removes a domain that's always in scope, with the given index. The index can be obtained with the view domainsAlwaysInScope. |
spider | enableAllDomainsAlwaysInScope | action | Enables all domains that are always in scope. | |
spider | disableAllDomainsAlwaysInScope | action | Disables all domains that are always in scope. | |
spider | setOptionHandleParameters | action | String* | |
spider | setOptionScopeString | action | String* | Use actions [add |
spider | setOptionSkipURLString | action | String* | |
spider | setOptionUserAgent | action | String* | |
spider | setOptionAcceptCookies | action | Boolean* | Sets whether or not a spider process should accept cookies while spidering. |
spider | setOptionHandleODataParametersVisited | action | Boolean* | |
spider | setOptionMaxChildren | action | Integer* | Sets the maximum number of child nodes (per node) that can be crawled, 0 means no limit. |
spider | setOptionMaxDepth | action | Integer* | Sets the maximum depth the spider can crawl, 0 for unlimited depth. |
spider | setOptionMaxDuration | action | Integer* | |
spider | setOptionMaxParseSizeBytes | action | Integer* | Sets the maximum size, in bytes, that a response might have to be parsed. This allows the spider to skip big responses/files. |
spider | setOptionMaxScansInUI | action | Integer* | |
spider | setOptionParseComments | action | Boolean* | |
spider | setOptionParseGit | action | Boolean* | |
spider | setOptionParseRobotsTxt | action | Boolean* | |
spider | setOptionParseSVNEntries | action | Boolean* | |
spider | setOptionParseSitemapXml | action | Boolean* | |
spider | setOptionPostForm | action | Boolean* | |
spider | setOptionProcessForm | action | Boolean* | |
spider | setOptionRequestWaitTime | action | Integer* | |
spider | setOptionSendRefererHeader | action | Boolean* | Sets whether or not the 'Referer' header should be sent while spidering. |
spider | setOptionShowAdvancedDialog | action | Boolean* | |
spider | setOptionThreadCount | action | Integer* | |
core | hosts | view | Gets the name of the hosts accessed through/by ZAP | |
core | sites | view | Gets the sites accessed through/by ZAP (scheme and domain) | |
core | urls | view | baseurl | Gets the URLs accessed through/by ZAP, optionally filtering by (base) URL. |
core | childNodes | view | url | Gets the child nodes underneath the specified URL in the Sites tree |
core | message | view | id* | Gets the HTTP message with the given ID. Returns the ID, request/response headers and bodies, cookies, note, type, RTT, and timestamp. |
core | messages | view | baseurl start count | Gets the HTTP messages sent by ZAP, request and response, optionally filtered by URL and paginated with 'start' position and 'count' of messages |
core | messagesById | view | ids* | Gets the HTTP messages with the given IDs. |
core | numberOfMessages | view | baseurl | Gets the number of messages, optionally filtering by URL |
core | mode | view | Gets the mode | |
core | version | view | Gets ZAP version | |
core | excludedFromProxy | view | Gets the regular expressions, applied to URLs, to exclude from the local proxies. | |
core | homeDirectory | view | ||
core | sessionLocation | view | Gets the location of the current session file | |
core | proxyChainExcludedDomains | view | Gets all the domains that are excluded from the outgoing proxy. For each domain the following are shown: the index, the value (domain), if enabled, and if specified as a regex. | |
core | optionProxyChainSkipName | view | Use view proxyChainExcludedDomains instead. | |
core | optionProxyExcludedDomains | view | Use view proxyChainExcludedDomains instead. | |
core | optionProxyExcludedDomainsEnabled | view | Use view proxyChainExcludedDomains instead. | |
core | zapHomePath | view | Gets the path to ZAP's home directory. | |
core | optionMaximumAlertInstances | view | Gets the maximum number of alert instances to include in a report. | |
core | optionMergeRelatedAlerts | view | Gets whether or not related alerts will be merged in any reports generated. | |
core | optionAlertOverridesFilePath | view | Gets the path to the file with alert overrides. | |
core | alert | view | id* | Gets the alert with the given ID, the corresponding HTTP message can be obtained with the 'messageId' field and 'message' API method |
core | alerts | view | baseurl start count riskId | Gets the alerts raised by ZAP, optionally filtering by URL or riskId, and paginating with 'start' position and 'count' of alerts |
core | alertsSummary | view | baseurl | Gets number of alerts grouped by each risk level, optionally filtering by URL |
core | numberOfAlerts | view | baseurl riskId | Gets the number of alerts, optionally filtering by URL or riskId |
core | optionDefaultUserAgent | view | Gets the user agent that ZAP should use when creating HTTP messages (for example, spider messages or CONNECT requests to outgoing proxy). | |
core | optionDnsTtlSuccessfulQueries | view | Gets the TTL (in seconds) of successful DNS queries. | |
core | optionHttpState | view | ||
core | optionProxyChainName | view | ||
core | optionProxyChainPassword | view | ||
core | optionProxyChainPort | view | ||
core | optionProxyChainRealm | view | ||
core | optionProxyChainUserName | view | ||
core | optionTimeoutInSecs | view | Gets the connection time out, in seconds. | |
core | optionHttpStateEnabled | view | ||
core | optionProxyChainPrompt | view | ||
core | optionSingleCookieRequestHeader | view | ||
core | optionUseProxyChain | view | ||
core | optionUseProxyChainAuth | view | ||
core | accessUrl | action | url* followRedirects | Convenient and simple action to access a URL, optionally following redirections. Returns the request sent and response received and followed redirections, if any. Other actions are available which offer more control on what is sent, like, 'sendRequest' or 'sendHarRequest'. |
core | shutdown | action | Shuts down ZAP | |
core | newSession | action | name overwrite | Creates a new session, optionally overwriting existing files. If a relative path is specified it will be resolved against the "session" directory in ZAP "home" dir. |
core | loadSession | action | name* | Loads the session with the given name. If a relative path is specified it will be resolved against the "session" directory in ZAP "home" dir. |
core | saveSession | action | name* overwrite | Saves the session with the name supplied, optionally overwriting existing files. If a relative path is specified it will be resolved against the "session" directory in ZAP "home" dir. |
core | snapshotSession | action | name overwrite | Snapshots the session, optionally with the given name, and overwriting existing files. If no name is specified the name of the current session with a timestamp appended is used. If a relative path is specified it will be resolved against the "session" directory in ZAP "home" dir. |
core | clearExcludedFromProxy | action | Clears the regexes of URLs excluded from the local proxies. | |
core | excludeFromProxy | action | regex* | Adds a regex of URLs that should be excluded from the local proxies. |
core | setHomeDirectory | action | dir* | |
core | setMode | action | mode* | Sets the mode, which may be one of [safe, protect, standard, attack] |
core | generateRootCA | action | Generates a new Root CA certificate for the local proxies. | |
core | sendRequest | action | request* followRedirects | Sends the HTTP request, optionally following redirections. Returns the request sent and response received and followed redirections, if any. The Mode is enforced when sending the request (and following redirections), custom manual requests are not allowed in 'Safe' mode nor in 'Protected' mode if out of scope. |
core | runGarbageCollection | action | ||
core | deleteSiteNode | action | url* method postData | Deletes the site node found in the Sites Tree on the basis of the URL, HTTP method, and post data (if applicable and specified). |
core | addProxyChainExcludedDomain | action | value* isRegex isEnabled | Adds a domain to be excluded from the outgoing proxy, using the specified value. Optionally sets if the new entry is enabled (default, true) and whether or not the new value is specified as a regex (default, false). |
core | modifyProxyChainExcludedDomain | action | idx* value isRegex isEnabled | Modifies a domain excluded from the outgoing proxy. Allows to modify the value, if enabled or if a regex. The domain is selected with its index, which can be obtained with the view proxyChainExcludedDomains. |
core | removeProxyChainExcludedDomain | action | idx* | Removes a domain excluded from the outgoing proxy, with the given index. The index can be obtained with the view proxyChainExcludedDomains. |
core | enableAllProxyChainExcludedDomains | action | Enables all domains excluded from the outgoing proxy. | |
core | disableAllProxyChainExcludedDomains | action | Disables all domains excluded from the outgoing proxy. | |
core | setOptionMaximumAlertInstances | action | numberOfInstances* | Sets the maximum number of alert instances to include in a report. A value of zero is treated as unlimited. |
core | setOptionMergeRelatedAlerts | action | enabled* | Sets whether or not related alerts will be merged in any reports generated. |
core | setOptionAlertOverridesFilePath | action | filePath | Sets (or clears, if empty) the path to the file with alert overrides. |
core | enablePKCS12ClientCertificate | action | filePath* password* index | Enables use of a PKCS12 client certificate for the certificate with the given file system path, password, and optional index. |
core | disableClientCertificate | action | Disables the option for use of client certificates. | |
core | deleteAllAlerts | action | Deletes all alerts of the current session. | |
core | deleteAlert | action | id* | Deletes the alert with the given ID. |
core | setOptionDefaultUserAgent | action | String* | Sets the user agent that ZAP should use when creating HTTP messages (for example, spider messages or CONNECT requests to outgoing proxy). |
core | setOptionProxyChainName | action | String* | |
core | setOptionProxyChainPassword | action | String* | |
core | setOptionProxyChainRealm | action | String* | |
core | setOptionProxyChainSkipName | action | String* | Use actions [add |
core | setOptionProxyChainUserName | action | String* | |
core | setOptionDnsTtlSuccessfulQueries | action | Integer* | Sets the TTL (in seconds) of successful DNS queries (applies after ZAP restart). |
core | setOptionHttpStateEnabled | action | Boolean* | |
core | setOptionProxyChainPort | action | Integer* | |
core | setOptionProxyChainPrompt | action | Boolean* | |
core | setOptionSingleCookieRequestHeader | action | Boolean* | |
core | setOptionTimeoutInSecs | action | Integer* | Sets the connection time out, in seconds. |
core | setOptionUseProxyChain | action | Boolean* | Sets whether or not the outgoing proxy should be used. The address/hostname of the outgoing proxy must be set to enable this option. |
core | setOptionUseProxyChainAuth | action | Boolean* | |
core | proxy.pac | other | ||
core | rootcert | other | Gets the Root CA certificate used by the local proxies. | |
core | setproxy | other | proxy* | |
core | xmlreport | other | Generates a report in XML format | |
core | htmlreport | other | Generates a report in HTML format | |
core | jsonreport | other | Generates a report in JSON format | |
core | mdreport | other | Generates a report in Markdown format | |
core | messageHar | other | id* | Gets the message with the given ID in HAR format |
core | messagesHar | other | baseurl start count | Gets the HTTP messages sent through/by ZAP, in HAR format, optionally filtered by URL and paginated with 'start' position and 'count' of messages |
core | messagesHarById | other | ids* | Gets the HTTP messages with the given IDs, in HAR format. |
core | sendHarRequest | other | request* followRedirects | Sends the first HAR request entry, optionally following redirections. Returns, in HAR format, the request sent and response received and followed redirections, if any. The Mode is enforced when sending the request (and following redirections), custom manual requests are not allowed in 'Safe' mode nor in 'Protected' mode if out of scope. |
params | params | view | site | Shows the parameters for the specified site, or for all sites if the site is not specified |
ascan | status | view | scanId | |
ascan | scanProgress | view | scanId | |
ascan | messagesIds | view | scanId* | Gets the IDs of the messages sent during the scan with the given ID. A message can be obtained with 'message' core view. |
ascan | alertsIds | view | scanId* | Gets the IDs of the alerts raised during the scan with the given ID. An alert can be obtained with 'alert' core view. |
ascan | scans | view | ||
ascan | scanPolicyNames | view | ||
ascan | excludedFromScan | view | Gets the regexes of URLs excluded from the active scans. | |
ascan | scanners | view | scanPolicyName policyId | Gets the scanners, optionally, of the given scan policy and/or scanner policy/category ID. |
ascan | policies | view | scanPolicyName policyId | |
ascan | attackModeQueue | view | ||
ascan | excludedParams | view | Gets all the parameters that are excluded. For each parameter the following are shown: the name, the URL, and the parameter type. | |
ascan | optionExcludedParamList | view | Use view excludedParams instead. | |
ascan | excludedParamTypes | view | Gets all the types of excluded parameters. For each type the following are shown: the ID and the name. | |
ascan | optionAttackPolicy | view | ||
ascan | optionDefaultPolicy | view | ||
ascan | optionDelayInMs | view | ||
ascan | optionHandleAntiCSRFTokens | view | ||
ascan | optionHostPerScan | view | ||
ascan | optionMaxChartTimeInMins | view | ||
ascan | optionMaxResultsToList | view | ||
ascan | optionMaxRuleDurationInMins | view | ||
ascan | optionMaxScanDurationInMins | view | ||
ascan | optionMaxScansInUI | view | ||
ascan | optionTargetParamsEnabledRPC | view | ||
ascan | optionTargetParamsInjectable | view | ||
ascan | optionThreadPerHost | view | ||
ascan | optionAddQueryParam | view | Tells whether or not the active scanner should add a query parameter to GET request that don't have parameters to start with. | |
ascan | optionAllowAttackOnStart | view | ||
ascan | optionInjectPluginIdInHeader | view | Tells whether or not the active scanner should inject the HTTP request header X-ZAP-Scan-ID, with the ID of the scanner that's sending the requests. | |
ascan | optionPromptInAttackMode | view | ||
ascan | optionPromptToClearFinishedScans | view | ||
ascan | optionRescanInAttackMode | view | ||
ascan | optionScanHeadersAllRequests | view | Tells whether or not the HTTP Headers of all requests should be scanned. Not just requests that send parameters, through the query or request body. | |
ascan | optionShowAdvancedDialog | view | ||
ascan | scan | action | url recurse inScopeOnly scanPolicyName method postData contextId | Runs the active scanner against the given URL and/or Context. Optionally, the 'recurse' parameter can be used to scan URLs under the given URL, the parameter 'inScopeOnly' can be used to constrain the scan to URLs that are in scope (ignored if a Context is specified), the parameter 'scanPolicyName' allows to specify the scan policy (if none is given it uses the default scan policy), the parameters 'method' and 'postData' allow to select a given request in conjunction with the given URL. |
ascan | scanAsUser | action | url contextId userId recurse scanPolicyName method postData | Active Scans from the perspective of a User, obtained using the given Context ID and User ID. See 'scan' action for more details. |
ascan | pause | action | scanId* | |
ascan | resume | action | scanId* | |
ascan | stop | action | scanId* | |
ascan | removeScan | action | scanId* | |
ascan | pauseAllScans | action | ||
ascan | resumeAllScans | action | ||
ascan | stopAllScans | action | ||
ascan | removeAllScans | action | ||
ascan | clearExcludedFromScan | action | Clears the regexes of URLs excluded from the active scans. | |
ascan | excludeFromScan | action | regex* | Adds a regex of URLs that should be excluded from the active scans. |
ascan | enableAllScanners | action | scanPolicyName | Enables all scanners of the scan policy with the given name, or the default if none given. |
ascan | disableAllScanners | action | scanPolicyName | Disables all scanners of the scan policy with the given name, or the default if none given. |
ascan | enableScanners | action | ids* scanPolicyName | Enables the scanners with the given IDs (comma separated list of IDs) of the scan policy with the given name, or the default if none given. |
ascan | disableScanners | action | ids* scanPolicyName | Disables the scanners with the given IDs (comma separated list of IDs) of the scan policy with the given name, or the default if none given. |
ascan | setEnabledPolicies | action | ids* scanPolicyName | |
ascan | setPolicyAttackStrength | action | id* attackStrength* scanPolicyName | |
ascan | setPolicyAlertThreshold | action | id* alertThreshold* scanPolicyName | |
ascan | setScannerAttackStrength | action | id* attackStrength* scanPolicyName | |
ascan | setScannerAlertThreshold | action | id* alertThreshold* scanPolicyName | |
ascan | addScanPolicy | action | scanPolicyName* alertThreshold attackStrength | |
ascan | removeScanPolicy | action | scanPolicyName* | |
ascan | updateScanPolicy | action | scanPolicyName* alertThreshold attackStrength | |
ascan | importScanPolicy | action | path* | Imports a Scan Policy using the given file system path. |
ascan | addExcludedParam | action | name* type url | Adds a new parameter excluded from the scan, using the specified name. Optionally sets if the new entry applies to a specific URL (default, all URLs) and sets the ID of the type of the parameter (default, ID of any type). The type IDs can be obtained with the view excludedParamTypes. |
ascan | modifyExcludedParam | action | idx* name type url | Modifies a parameter excluded from the scan. Allows to modify the name, the URL and the type of parameter. The parameter is selected with its index, which can be obtained with the view excludedParams. |
ascan | removeExcludedParam | action | idx* | Removes a parameter excluded from the scan, with the given index. The index can be obtained with the view excludedParams. |
ascan | skipScanner | action | scanId* scannerId* | Skips the scanner using the given IDs of the scan and the scanner. |
ascan | setOptionAttackPolicy | action | String* | |
ascan | setOptionDefaultPolicy | action | String* | |
ascan | setOptionAddQueryParam | action | Boolean* | Sets whether or not the active scanner should add a query param to GET requests which do not have parameters to start with. |
ascan | setOptionAllowAttackOnStart | action | Boolean* | |
ascan | setOptionDelayInMs | action | Integer* | |
ascan | setOptionHandleAntiCSRFTokens | action | Boolean* | |
ascan | setOptionHostPerScan | action | Integer* | |
ascan | setOptionInjectPluginIdInHeader | action | Boolean* | Sets whether or not the active scanner should inject the HTTP request header X-ZAP-Scan-ID, with the ID of the scanner that's sending the requests. |
ascan | setOptionMaxChartTimeInMins | action | Integer* | |
ascan | setOptionMaxResultsToList | action | Integer* | |
ascan | setOptionMaxRuleDurationInMins | action | Integer* | |
ascan | setOptionMaxScanDurationInMins | action | Integer* | |
ascan | setOptionMaxScansInUI | action | Integer* | |
ascan | setOptionPromptInAttackMode | action | Boolean* | |
ascan | setOptionPromptToClearFinishedScans | action | Boolean* | |
ascan | setOptionRescanInAttackMode | action | Boolean* | |
ascan | setOptionScanHeadersAllRequests | action | Boolean* | Sets whether or not the HTTP Headers of all requests should be scanned. Not just requests that send parameters, through the query or request body. |
ascan | setOptionShowAdvancedDialog | action | Boolean* | |
ascan | setOptionTargetParamsEnabledRPC | action | Integer* | |
ascan | setOptionTargetParamsInjectable | action | Integer* | |
ascan | setOptionThreadPerHost | action | Integer* | |
context | contextList | view | List context names of current session | |
context | excludeRegexs | view | contextName* | List excluded regexs for context |
context | includeRegexs | view | contextName* | List included regexs for context |
context | context | view | contextName* | List the information about the named context |
context | technologyList | view | Lists the names of all built in technologies | |
context | includedTechnologyList | view | contextName* | Lists the names of all technologies included in a context |
context | excludedTechnologyList | view | contextName* | Lists the names of all technologies excluded from a context |
context | urls | view | contextName* | Lists the URLs accessed through/by ZAP, that belong to the context with the given name. |
context | excludeFromContext | action | contextName* regex* | Add exclude regex to context |
context | includeInContext | action | contextName* regex* | Add include regex to context |
context | setContextRegexs | action | contextName* incRegexs* excRegexs* | Set the regexs to include and exclude for a context, both supplied as JSON string arrays |
context | newContext | action | contextName* | Creates a new context with the given name in the current session |
context | removeContext | action | contextName* | Removes a context in the current session |
context | exportContext | action | contextName* contextFile* | Exports the context with the given name to a file. If a relative file path is specified it will be resolved against the "contexts" directory in ZAP "home" dir. |
context | importContext | action | contextFile* | Imports a context from a file. If a relative file path is specified it will be resolved against the "contexts" directory in ZAP "home" dir. |
context | includeContextTechnologies | action | contextName* technologyNames* | Includes technologies with the given names, separated by a comma, to a context |
context | includeAllContextTechnologies | action | contextName* | Includes all built in technologies in to a context |
context | excludeContextTechnologies | action | contextName* technologyNames* | Excludes technologies with the given names, separated by a comma, from a context |
context | excludeAllContextTechnologies | action | contextName* | Excludes all built in technologies from a context |
context | setContextInScope | action | contextName* booleanInScope* | Sets a context to in scope (contexts are in scope by default) |
httpSessions | sites | view | Gets all of the sites that have sessions. | |
httpSessions | sessions | view | site* session | Gets the sessions for the given site. Optionally returning just the session with the given name. |
httpSessions | activeSession | view | site* | Gets the name of the active session for the given site. |
httpSessions | sessionTokens | view | site* | Gets the names of the session tokens for the given site. |
httpSessions | defaultSessionTokens | view | Gets the default session tokens. | |
httpSessions | createEmptySession | action | site* session | Creates an empty session for the given site. Optionally with the given name. |
httpSessions | removeSession | action | site* session* | Removes the session from the given site. |
httpSessions | setActiveSession | action | site* session* | Sets the given session as active for the given site. |
httpSessions | unsetActiveSession | action | site* | Unsets the active session of the given site. |
httpSessions | addSessionToken | action | site* sessionToken* | Adds the session token to the given site. |
httpSessions | removeSessionToken | action | site* sessionToken* | Removes the session token from the given site. |
httpSessions | setSessionTokenValue | action | site* session* sessionToken* tokenValue* | Sets the value of the session token of the given session for the given site. |
httpSessions | renameSession | action | site* oldSessionName* newSessionName* | Renames the session of the given site. |
httpSessions | addDefaultSessionToken | action | sessionToken* tokenEnabled | Adds a default session token with the given name and enabled state. |
httpSessions | setDefaultSessionTokenEnabled | action | sessionToken* tokenEnabled* | Sets whether or not the default session token with the given name is enabled. |
httpSessions | removeDefaultSessionToken | action | sessionToken* | Removes the default session token with the given name. |
break | isBreakAll | view | Returns True if ZAP will break on both requests and responses | |
break | isBreakRequest | view | Returns True if ZAP will break on requests | |
break | isBreakResponse | view | Returns True if ZAP will break on responses | |
break | httpMessage | view | Returns the HTTP message currently intercepted (if any) | |
break | break | action | type* state* scope | Controls the global break functionality. The type may be one of: http-all, http-request or http-response. The state may be true (for turning break on for the specified type) or false (for turning break off). Scope is not currently used. |
break | setHttpMessage | action | httpHeader* httpBody | Overwrites the currently intercepted message with the data provided |
break | continue | action | Submits the currently intercepted message and unsets the global request/response break points | |
break | step | action | Submits the currently intercepted message, the next request or response will automatically be intercepted | |
break | drop | action | Drops the currently intercepted message | |
break | addHttpBreakpoint | action | string* location* match* inverse* ignorecase* | Adds a custom HTTP breakpoint. The string is the string to match. Location may be one of: url, request_header, request_body, response_header or response_body. Match may be: contains or regex. Inverse (match) may be true or false. Lastly, ignorecase (when matching the string) may be true or false. |
break | removeHttpBreakpoint | action | string* location* match* inverse* ignorecase* | Removes the specified break point |
authentication | getSupportedAuthenticationMethods | view | Gets the name of the authentication methods. | |
authentication | getAuthenticationMethodConfigParams | view | authMethodName* | Gets the configuration parameters for the authentication method with the given name. |
authentication | getAuthenticationMethod | view | contextId* | Gets the name of the authentication method for the context with the given ID. |
authentication | getLoggedInIndicator | view | contextId* | Gets the logged in indicator for the context with the given ID. |
authentication | getLoggedOutIndicator | view | contextId* | Gets the logged out indicator for the context with the given ID. |
authentication | setAuthenticationMethod | action | contextId* authMethodName* authMethodConfigParams | Sets the authentication method for the context with the given ID. |
authentication | setLoggedInIndicator | action | contextId* loggedInIndicatorRegex* | Sets the logged in indicator for the context with the given ID. |
authentication | setLoggedOutIndicator | action | contextId* loggedOutIndicatorRegex* | Sets the logged out indicator for the context with the given ID. |
authorization | getAuthorizationDetectionMethod | view | contextId* | Obtains all the configuration of the authorization detection method that is currently set for a context. |
authorization | setBasicAuthorizationDetectionMethod | action | contextId* headerRegex bodyRegex statusCode logicalOperator | Sets the authorization detection method for a context as one that identifies un-authorized messages based on: the message's status code or a regex pattern in the response's header or body. Also, whether all conditions must match or just some can be specified via the logicalOperator parameter, which accepts two values: "AND" (default), "OR". |
localProxies | additionalProxies | view | Gets all of the additional proxies that have been configured. | |
localProxies | addAdditionalProxy | action | address* port* behindNat alwaysDecodeZip removeUnsupportedEncodings | Adds an new proxy using the details supplied. |
localProxies | removeAdditionalProxy | action | address* port* | Removes the additional proxy with the specified address and port. |
ruleConfig | ruleConfigValue | view | key* | Show the specified rule configuration |
ruleConfig | allRuleConfigs | view | Show all of the rule configurations | |
ruleConfig | resetRuleConfigValue | action | key* | Reset the specified rule configuration, which must already exist |
ruleConfig | resetAllRuleConfigValues | action | Reset all of the rule configurations | |
ruleConfig | setRuleConfigValue | action | key* value | Set the specified rule configuration, which must already exist |
sessionManagement | getSupportedSessionManagementMethods | view | Gets the name of the session management methods. | |
sessionManagement | getSessionManagementMethodConfigParams | view | methodName* | Gets the configuration parameters for the session management method with the given name. |
sessionManagement | getSessionManagementMethod | view | contextId* | Gets the name of the session management method for the context with the given ID. |
sessionManagement | setSessionManagementMethod | action | contextId* methodName* methodConfigParams | Sets the session management method for the context with the given ID. |
users | usersList | view | contextId | Gets a list of users that belong to the context with the given ID, or all users if none provided. |
users | getUserById | view | contextId* userId* | Gets the data of the user with the given ID that belongs to the context with the given ID. |
users | getAuthenticationCredentialsConfigParams | view | contextId* | Gets the configuration parameters for the credentials of the context with the given ID. |
users | getAuthenticationCredentials | view | contextId* userId* | Gets the authentication credentials of the user with given ID that belongs to the context with the given ID. |
users | newUser | action | contextId* name* | Creates a new user with the given name for the context with the given ID. |
users | removeUser | action | contextId* userId* | Removes the user with the given ID that belongs to the context with the given ID. |
users | setUserEnabled | action | contextId* userId* enabled* | Sets whether or not the user, with the given ID that belongs to the context with the given ID, should be enabled. |
users | setUserName | action | contextId* userId* name* | Renames the user with the given ID that belongs to the context with the given ID. |
users | setAuthenticationCredentials | action | contextId* userId* authCredentialsConfigParams | Sets the authentication credentials for the user with the given ID that belongs to the context with the given ID. |
forcedUser | isForcedUserModeEnabled | view | Returns 'true' if 'forced user' mode is enabled, 'false' otherwise | |
forcedUser | getForcedUser | view | contextId* | Gets the user (ID) set as 'forced user' for the given context (ID) |
forcedUser | setForcedUser | action | contextId* userId* | Sets the user (ID) that should be used in 'forced user' mode for the given context (ID) |
forcedUser | setForcedUserModeEnabled | action | boolean* | Sets if 'forced user' mode should be enabled or not |
script | listEngines | view | Lists the script engines available | |
script | listTypes | view | Lists the script types available. | |
script | listScripts | view | Lists the scripts available, with its engine, name, description, type and error state. | |
script | globalVar | view | varKey* | Gets the value of the global variable with the given key. Returns an API error (DOES_NOT_EXIST) if no value was previously set. |
script | globalVars | view | Gets all the global variables (key/value pairs). | |
script | scriptVar | view | scriptName* varKey* | Gets the value of the variable with the given key for the given script. Returns an API error (DOES_NOT_EXIST) if no script with the given name exists or if no value was previously set. |
script | scriptVars | view | scriptName* | Gets all the variables (key/value pairs) of the given script. Returns an API error (DOES_NOT_EXIST) if no script with the given name exists. |
script | enable | action | scriptName* | Enables the script with the given name |
script | disable | action | scriptName* | Disables the script with the given name |
script | load | action | scriptName* scriptType* scriptEngine* fileName* scriptDescription charset | Loads a script into ZAP from the given local file, with the given name, type and engine, optionally with a description, and a charset name to read the script (the charset name is required if the script is not in UTF-8, for example, in ISO-8859-1). |
script | remove | action | scriptName* | Removes the script with the given name |
script | runStandAloneScript | action | scriptName* | Runs the stand alone script with the given name |
script | clearGlobalVar | action | varKey* | Clears the global variable with the given key. |
script | clearGlobalVars | action | Clears the global variables. | |
script | clearScriptVar | action | scriptName* varKey* | Clears the variable with the given key of the given script. Returns an API error (DOES_NOT_EXIST) if no script with the given name exists. |
script | clearScriptVars | action | scriptName* | Clears the variables of the given script. Returns an API error (DOES_NOT_EXIST) if no script with the given name exists. |
script | setScriptVar | action | scriptName* varKey* varValue | Sets the value of the variable with the given key of the given script. Returns an API error (DOES_NOT_EXIST) if no script with the given name exists. |
script | setGlobalVar | action | varKey* varValue | Sets the value of the global variable with the given key. |
stats | stats | view | keyPrefix | Statistics |
stats | allSitesStats | view | keyPrefix | Gets all of the site based statistics, optionally filtered by a key prefix |
stats | siteStats | view | site* keyPrefix | Gets all of the global statistics, optionally filtered by a key prefix |
stats | optionStatsdHost | view | Gets the Statsd service hostname | |
stats | optionStatsdPort | view | Gets the Statsd service port | |
stats | optionStatsdPrefix | view | Gets the prefix to be applied to all stats sent to the configured Statsd service | |
stats | optionInMemoryEnabled | view | Returns 'true' if in memory statistics are enabled, otherwise returns 'false' | |
stats | optionStatsdEnabled | view | Returns 'true' if a Statsd server has been correctly configured, otherwise returns 'false' | |
stats | clearStats | action | keyPrefix | Clears all of the statistics |
stats | setOptionStatsdHost | action | String* | Sets the Statsd service hostname, supply an empty string to stop using a Statsd service |
stats | setOptionStatsdPrefix | action | String* | Sets the prefix to be applied to all stats sent to the configured Statsd service |
stats | setOptionInMemoryEnabled | action | Boolean* | Sets whether in memory statistics are enabled |
stats | setOptionStatsdPort | action | Integer* | Sets the Statsd service port |
Starred parameters are mandatory.
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