A laravel 5 Package for Voguepay
PHP 5.4+ or HHVM 3.3+, and Composer are required.
To get the latest version
composer require kingsley/voguepay-laravel
Once Voguepay Laravel is installed, you need to register the service provider. Open up config/app.php and add the following to the providers
If you use Laravel >= 5.5 you can skip this step and go to Configuration
- Kingsley\Voguepay\VoguepayServiceProvider::class
Also register the facade
'aliases' => [ ... 'Voguepay' => Kingsley\Voguepay\Facades\Voguepay::class, ... ]
You can publish your facade using this command directly
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Kingsley\Voguepay\VoguepayServiceProvider"
A configuration-file named voguepay.php with some sensible defaults will be placed in your config directory:
getenv('VOGUEPAY_V_MERCHANT_ID'), /** * Currency From Voguepay Dashboard * Required */ 'cur' => getenv('VOGUEPAY_CURRENCY'), /** * Developer Code From Voguepay Dashboard * Optional */ 'developer_code' => getenv('VOGUEPAY_DEVELOPER_CODE'), /** * Voguepay Payment URL * Required */ 'paymentUrl' => getenv('VOGUEPAY_PAYMENT_URL'), /** * Optional notification Url From Merchant Voguepay Settings * */ 'notify_url' => getenv('VOGUEPAY_NOTIFY_URL'), /** * Optional success Url From Merchant Voguepay Settings * */ 'success_url' => getenv('VOGUEPAY_SUCCESS_URL'), /** * Optional failed Url From Merchant Voguepay Settings * */ 'fail_url' => getenv('VOGUEPAY_FAIL_URL'), ]; ?>
Open your .env file and place this config settings
Lets take a look at some sample codes below
Route::post('/pay', 'PaymentController@redirectToGateway')->name('pay');
namespace App\Http\Controllers;use Illuminate\Http\Request;
use App\Http\Requests; use App\Http\Controllers\Controller; use Voguepay;
class PaymentController extends Controller { public function redirectToGateway(){ $transactionData['v_merchant_id'] = Config::get('voguepay.v_merchant_id'); $transactionData['cur'] = config('voguepay.cur'); $transactionData['paymentUrl'] = config('voguepay.paymentUrl'); $transactionData['merchant_ref'] = uniqid(6, true); $transactionData['memo'] = "Sample Voguepay form"; $transactionData['item_1'] = "Domain name"; $transactionData['description_1'] = "Sample Domain purchase"; $transactionData['price_1'] = 3000; $transactionData['item_2'] = "Domain name"; $transactionData['description_2'] = "Sample Domain purchase"; $transactionData['price_2'] = 5000; $transactionData['developer_code'] = config('voguepay.developer_code'); $transactionData['memo'] = "Sample Voguepay form" $transactionData['store_id'] = 25; $transactionData['total'] = 8000; $transactionData['name'] = "Tofunmi Falade"; $transactionData['address'] = "Oluyole bodija"; $transactionData['phone'] = "08054327653"; $transactionData['email'] = "[email protected]" $transactionData['notify_url'] = config('voguepay.notify_url'); $transactionData['fail_url'] = config('voguepay.fail_url'); $transactionData['success_url'] = config('voguepay.success_url'); $voguepay = Voguepay::payButton($transactionData, $class = '', $buttonTitle = 'Pay Now', 'make_payment_blue.png'); return view('voguepay', compact('voguepay')); } } ?>
Please feel free to fork this package and contribute by submitting a pull request to enhance the functionalities.
I want to urge you to please star my repo and contribute to the payment community at large