Nano library to manipulate the DOM
npm install @kilt/jqnano --save
// alias of document.querySelector('.item')
// alias of el.querySelector('.item')
_(el, '.item')
// alias of document.querySelectorAll('.item')
// alias of el.querySelectorAll('.item')
_.$(el, '.item')
var el = _.create('div', {
style: 'color: red'
}, 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet...');
// adds to parent as last child
_.append(parent, el);
// adds to parent as first child
_.prepend(parent, el);
// removes element from dom
// also _.classList.has(el, 'active');
_.hasClass(el, 'active');
// also _.classList.add(el, 'active');
_.addClass(el, 'active');
// also _.classList.rm(el, 'active');
_.removeClass(el, 'active');
// also _.classList.toggle(el, 'active', value'?' );
_.toggleClass(el, 'active', value'?' );
_.each(list, function (item, index) {
// do stuff
_.each(object, function (item, key) {
// do stuff
// _.first(list, iteratee, thisArg? );
_.first([1,2,3,4,5,6], function (num, i) {
// first odd
return num%2;
//: 1
// _.last(list, iteratee, thisArg? );
_.last([1,2,3,4,5,6], function (num, i) {
// first odd
return num%2;
//: 5
//: undefined
//: foo
var foo = _.once(function () {
console.log('hello world'); return 'foo';
//: hello world
//: foo
//: foo
// ponyfill of:
// ? : new Date().getTime()
_.matchMedia('max-width: 767px');
_.matchesSelector(el, selector);