Sado is an application designed to securely and programmatically grant TCC permissions to macOS executables in launchd and interactive contexts.
If $sado
is the location of the Sado executable (e.g. $sado=/Applications/
# If you don't have a sado profile installed by your administrator,
# you can change your list of allowable commands for testing.
# A sado command must have a name, the full path of an executable and arguments.
$ $sado add-command my_echo /bin/echo test
$ $sado add-command my_true /usr/bin/true
$ $sado list-commands
Available commands:
my_true: ["/usr/bin/true"]
my_echo: ["/bin/echo", "test"]
# Now, we can run one of these commands with sado:
$ $sado run /bin/echo test
# But a command without exactly matching arguments is not runnable
$ $sado run /bin/echo hello there!
["/bin/echo", "hello", "there!"] not in a valid command
# You may also run a command by giving its name
$ $sado run-by-name my_true
# Clearing the list is trivial if it is not admin-enforced
$ $sado clear-commands
$ $sado list-commands
No available commands.
# And sado will "fail open" if has been given no configuration.
$ $sado run /bin/echo "I'm a bad command!"
I'm a bad command!
Sado uses the bundle identifier to look up the configuration, which defaults to com.facebook.cpe.Sado. You con enforce values for this with a configuration profile with the PayloadType that matches the bundle identifier (com.facebook.cpe.Sado).
Sado requires macOS 11.0 or later.
Sado can be built in Xcode, or in the terminal using xcodebuild
To build, run
$ xcodebuild -project 'Sado.xcodeproj' -scheme 'Sado'
and to build the Sado binary, to test; run
$ xcodebuild -project 'Sado.xcodeproj' -scheme 'SadoBinary'
See the page on Technical Details for more information on how Sado works, how to use it and similar software.
Sado can be discussed on the MacAdmin slack in the #meta-open-source channel.
See the CONTRIBUTING docs if you would like to help out.
Sado is Apache-2.0 licensed, as found in the LICENSE file.