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After cloning this repo, run install to automatically set up the development environment. Note that the install script is idempotent: it can safely be run multiple times.

Dotfiles uses Dotbot for installation.

Adding more files to this system

When wanting to add more files of your local machine to be tracked by git, run the following commands from the ~/.dotfiles local repo:

# Example adding the '~/.xprofile' file

# Add the following lines to the '- link' line in 'install.conf.yaml':
- link:
    ~/.xprofile: xprofile
cd ~/.dotfiles
# These two next steps can be omitted:
mkdir -p xprofile
rmdir xprofile

mv ~/.xprofile xprofile

# Run the dotbot script to create the symlink:

The output after the ./install command should look like this:

All targets have been cleaned
Link exists ~/.bash_profile -> /home/xxxx/.dotfiles/bash_profile
Link exists ~/.bashrc -> /home/xxxx/.dotfiles/bashrc
Link exists ~/.bash_logout -> /home/xxxx/.dotfiles/bash_logout
Link exists ~/.Xresources -> /home/xxxx/.dotfiles/Xresources
Creating link ~/.xprofile -> /home/xxxx/.dotfiles/xprofile
Link exists ~/.gnupg/gpg.conf -> /home/xxxx/.dotfiles/gpg.conf
Link exists ~/.config/i3 -> /home/xxxx/.dotfiles/config/i3/
Link exists ~/.config/i3status -> /home/xxxx/.dotfiles/config/i3status/
All links have been set up

==> All tasks executed successfully

Adding files in subdirectories

When the dotfile you want to track is not in the $HOME (~) directory but is instead in some subdirectories from $HOME, the steps are a little different:

# Example adding the '~/.config/i3/' files

# Add the following lines to the '- link' line in 'install.conf.yaml':
- link:
    ~/.xprofile: xprofile
        path: config/i3/
        create: true
cd ~/.dotfiles
# These two next steps can be omitted:
mkdir -p config/i3/ 
rmdir config/i3/

mv ~/.config/i3 config/i3/

# Run the dotbot script to create the symlink:

Keeping everything in different local configurations

It's better not to use this repo, use and follow instructions of this one: If doing so, next section can be omitted.

Git actions

Adding and commiting changes

The regular git way:

git add -A    # or 'git add .'
git commit -m 'Custom commit message'

Setting up remote repo as origin

This remote github repo has been populated from the local machine using the following commands:

git remote add origin
git push -u origin master

Saving changes remotely

When the remote repo has been setup, you can push changes to it:

git push    # Or 'git push origin master'

Useful links


machine's dotfiles managed with dotbot






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