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These are my personal Unix dotfiles. They include:

  • Handy shell aliases and functions for Unix-like systems.

  • A better default configuration for Git.

  • An extensive suite of useful Git aliases, eg. git sync, git amend, git squash, git fixup, git undo.

These dotfiles complement my devtools – additional tools and configuration for use directly on Windows.



These dotfiles are intended for use in Bash on Debian-based systems, but I’ve made some effort to make them as cross-platform compatible as possible. Most of the shell scripts are POSIX-compliant and will therefore run in all Unix shells. They can be used on Windows too, via a Linux emulator like Git Bash for or a virtual machine like WSL.

On Debian systems, my bootstrap scripts can be used to install all dependencies, so automating the following steps. For Git Bash on Windows, my devtools repository bundles most of the required programs, but some of the below steps still need to be done manually.

REQUIRED programs

The only REQUIRED program is Git. The Git configuration has been tested with Git v2.39.1 and is expected to be compatible with versions after 2.35. For Debian distros, run the following command to check which is the current version of Git available via the APT package manager.

apt-cache policy git

If the available version is ≥ v2.35, go ahead and install from the default package registry.

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install git -y

If you want to install a newer version of Git than is available via the package registry, use wget to download the source of the desired version. For example, to download the source for Git v2.35.0, run the following command.


Before extracting the files from the archive, install the following packages.

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install libz-dev libssl-dev libcurl4-gnutls-dev libexpat1-dev gettext cmake gcc

Extract the source files for the Git package, then navigate to the extracted directory.

tar -zxf v2.35.0.tar.gz
cd git-2.35.0

Run the following command to build and install the Git package. This is a slow operation.

make prefix=/usr/local all
sudo make prefix=/usr/local install

Restart your terminal, then check the installed Git version with the command git --version. Use rm to clean-up the temporary files and directories created in this process.

OPTIONAL programs

It is RECOMMENDED to install Git Large File Storage (LFS). This is a Git extension that removes large files from Git repositories and stores them elsewhere, cross-referenced from the Git repositories using pointers. Git LFS is included in the distribution of Git for Windows, while packages are available for popular Linux distributions. Once installed, run the following command to set up Git LFS globally in your local Git instance:

git lfs install

In each Git repository where you want to use Git LFS, run the following command to configure the file types that you’d like Git LFS to manage. Alternatively, you can edit the .gitattributes file directly (changes to this file MUST be committed).

git lfs track "*.pdf"

Then commit and push as normal. To convert existing files previously committed to the repository use the git lfs migrate command. See the Git LFS documentation for further instructions, and more about large files on GitHub.

Besides Git LFS, the following programs are also OPTIONAL:

My dotfiles include configurations for LazyGit and Neovim, while Delta and Oh-My-Posh may be used to enhance Git and the terminal prompt, respectively. For Debian systems, you can use my bootstrap scripts to install these programs, or follow the instructions from the links above to install manually. For Git Bash on Windows, most of these programs are bundled with my devtools – except for Neovim, which is not available as a standalone binary.


To install these dotfiles, fork-and-clone the upstream repository to any location on your local machine, then follow the steps below. This process needs to be repeated for each environment – so, once for WSL and once for Git Bash, if using both on the same Windows machine.

1. Run the ./ script

Change to the root directory of the cloned repository and run the ./ shell script.

For Git Bash on Windows, run the terminal program as administrator.
cd /path/to/dotfiles

The first time you run this, you will need to exit your terminal program then restart it. Doing so will create a new login shell, which will load the newly-installed dotfiles at startup.

The script can be safely run multiple times, and it is RECOMMENDED to re-run it whenever you git pull the latest changes from the upstream dotfiles repository, so that any new symlinks are created as required.

2. Add the bin/* directories to your system PATH environment variable

This repository’s bin directory contains various git-* shell scripts that are mapped to Git aliases. It is RECOMMENDED you add the bin directory to your system PATH environment variable, to make these Git commands available from the command line. For Bash, this is done automatically via configuration in the global .bashrc file. To make the Git aliases available in the Git Bash emulator on Window, you will need to manually update Windows' PATH environment variable.

Configuration files are included for various command line development tools. To use these configurations, symlinks must be created to them from the filesystem locations the programs expect them to be. The ./ script does this automatically for non-Windows environments. To use the LazyGit, Neovim and tmux configurations in Git Bash for Windows, run Windows Powershell in administrator mode and execute the following commands, changing the filesystem paths as required.

# LazyGit
New-Item -ItemType SymbolicLink `
  -Path "C:\Users\[User]\AppData\Roaming\lazygit\config.yml" `
  -Target "C:\path\to\dotfiles\etc\lazygit\config.yml" `

# Neovim
New-Item -ItemType SymbolicLink `
  -Path "C:\Users\[User]\AppData\Local\nvim\init.vim" `
  -Target "C:\path\to\dotfiles\etc\nvim\init.vim" `

# tmux
New-Item -ItemType SymbolicLink `
  -Path "C:\Users\[User]\.tmux.conf" `
  -Target "C:\path\to\dotfiles\etc\tmux\tmux.conf" `
New-Item -ItemType SymbolicLink `
  -Path "C:\Users\[User]\.tmux\dev" `
  -Target "C:\path\to\dotfiles\etc\tmux\inc\dev" `

4. GitHub Codespaces configuration

The ./ script can be used to bootstrap your GitHub Codespaces environments, too. Only a subset of the dotfiles configuration are enabled in Codespaces – limited only to Bash aliases and functions at this time. Go to your GitHub Codespaces options and enable the following setting.

github automatically install dotfiles


The ./ script will have established various symlinks in your home directory for the Unix dotfiles. For example, ~/.gitconfig will be symlinked to /path/to/dotfiles/dist/global.gitconfig.

You SHOULD NOT change the dotfiles symlinks (eg. ~/.gitconfig) or edit the contents of their target files in this repository’s dist directory. Instead, you can make changes to your dotfiles configuration via the "local" files that have been added to your home directory – as explained below.

The following files will be added to your home directory.

  • ~/local.profile

  • ~/local.bash_profile

  • ~/local.bashrc

  • ~/local.gitconfig

  • ~/local.gitignore

  • ~/local.gitmessage

These are not symlinked and they are not kept under version control, either. Therefore, you can safely edit these files to make configuration changes in each individual environment in which you have installed these dotfiles. It’s via these "local" files that you extend the "global" dotfiles configurations shared via this repository.


Whenever you make changes to any of the "local" shell startup scripts – ~/local.bashrc, ~/local.bash_profile, or ~/local.profile – you can call the reload! function to re-source the shell startup scripts, so your changes take effect immediately without needing to restart the shell session.


If you already had files like .profile or .gitconfig in your user directory, the ./ script will have created backups of these files before replacing them. The backup files will be named with the "backup" prefix. For example, your existing ~/.bashrc file will have been renamed ~/backup.bashrc. You may need to manually copy-and-paste existing configurations from the old "backup" files to the new "local" files.

Git configuration

You MUST edit the ~/local.gitconfig file to configure your Git user profile information. This data will be embedded in commit objects:

  email = [email protected]
  name = Your Name

When you ran the ./ script, your previous Git configuration would have been backed up to ~/backup.gitconfig. You SHOULD review the contents of this file and copy any other configuration you wish to keep to the new ~/local.gitconfig file.

From now on you SHOULD NOT use the git config --global command to update your Git configuration. If you do, this command will update the file symlinked from ~/.gitconfig. To avoid this, you SHOULD instead directly edit the ~/local.gitconfig file.

You MAY also edit the ~/local.gitignore file to configure global Git ignore rules. By default, this file adds rules to ignore files or directories named _TODO_, _NOTES_ or _SCRIPTS_ in any Git repository anywhere on your local filesystem. It means the contents of these paths will be private to you and will not be committed to source control.

Prompt themes

A couple of different solutions for customizing the command line prompt are included with these dotfiles.

The first solution depends on Oh-My-Posh, a cross-platform prompt theming framework. It means the prompt theme can be used in Powershell, Git Bash, WSL, and other shells. The theme is enabled via the following command in the ~/local.bashrc file. You just need to uncomment the line to enable it.

eval "$(oh-my-posh init bash --config ~/.prompt-themes/oh-my-posh/ocean.omp.json 2> /dev/null)"

Then either restart the terminal or call the reload! function to re-source the shell startup scripts.

Alternatively, you can enable the or scripts, both of which add Git repo information to the standard prompt line. Uncomment the following lines in the ~/local.bashrc file, instead.

source ~/.prompt-themes/
export PS1='\[\033[01;32m\]\u@\h\[\033[00m\]:\[\033[01;34m\]\w\[\033[01;31m\]$(__git_ps1)\[\033[00m\]\$ '

# Or:
source ~/.prompt-themes/git-prompt-simple.bash


Shell environment variables

The following environment variables are enabled.

Name Description Shells


Change to 0 to apply --no-verify flag to git commit operations done via the Git aliases.


In addition, in Bash the PATH environment variable is extended to include $HOME/bin and /path/to/dotfiles/bin, if those directories exist.

Shell aliases

The following shell aliases are enabled.

Alias Command Description Compatibility


cd ..

Change up one directory.



cd ../..

Change up two directories.



ch ../../..

Change up three directories.



cd ../../../..

Change up four directories.



egrep --color=auto

Enable colorized output by default.



fgrep --color=auto

Enable colorized output by default.




Shortcut for the oft-typed git command.



grep --color=auto

Enable colorized output by default.



ls -laF --color

List all files (including hidden ones) in long-form.



ls -laF --color | grep --color=never '^d'

List only directories.



ls -laF --color | grep --color=never '^-'

List only files.



ls --color

Enable colorized output by default.



mkdir -p

Make directories recursively by default.



. ~/.bashrc

Reload the Bash shell startup scripts.




Shortcut for sudo ("superuser do").


Shell functions

The following shell functions are enabled.

Function Description Compatibility

buildDockerImage ([name_for_created_image])

Build a Docker image from a Dockerfile in the current directory.


runDockerContainer [image_name]

Run a Docker container from an image.


runDockerFromFile ([name_for_created_image])

Build an image and immediately run a container in the background from it.



List all available docker images.


sshDockerContainer [container_id]

SSH into a running container.


Git config

The .gitconfig file modifies Git’s default behavior in the following ways:

  • git merge always records explicit merge commits (ie --no-ff is the default).

  • git fetch automatically prunes refs to non-existent upstream branches and deletes non-existent tags.

  • git pull rebases by default.

  • --autosquash rules are automatically applied on rebase operations.

  • git push pushes new tags, as well as new commits.

  • Upstream branches are tracked automatically, and tracked branches are constrained to have the same names.

  • Opts-out of security checks for Git repositories on external storage devices (

Git aliases

50+ Git aliases are included with these dotfiles. These extend Git’s built-in operations, providing shortcuts for common Git workflows. All the Git aliases are implemented as shell scripts in the bin directory. For the aliases to work, the bin directory MUST be added to your system path.

To see what aliases are available, run the command git aliases – itself an alias! – in your terminal.

Some of the operations enabled via the Git aliases are potentially destructive. For example, some Git aliases rewrite commit histories.

Copyright © 2020-present Kieran Potts, MIT license

Third-party components: These dotfiles integrate the following third-party components:

Acknowledgments: For the custom scripts and configuration, inspiration has been taken – and, in some cases, code shamelessly copied – from some of these related projects: