Argument of type '{ id: string; event: { consumerSchema: z.ZodObject<{ id: z.ZodString; timestamp: z.ZodString; type: z.ZodLiteral<"entity.created">; payload: z.ZodObject<{ message: z.ZodString; }, "strip", z.ZodTypeAny, { ...; }, { ...; }>; metadata: z.ZodObject<{ schemaVersion: z.ZodString; producedBy: z.ZodString; originatedFrom: ...' is not assignable to parameter of type 'OutboxEntry<{ consumerSchema: ZodObject<{ id: ZodString; timestamp: ZodString; type: ZodLiteral<"entity.created">; payload: ZodObject<{ message: ZodString; }, "strip", ZodTypeAny, { ...; }, { ...; }>; metadata: ZodObject<...>; }, "strip", ZodTypeAny, { ...; }, { ...; }>; publisherSchema: ZodObject<...>; }>'.