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This project contains the source code for the map initially displayed at This site is now closed.

This code has been reused and improved by at least 2 people who operate the following sites:


In this paragraph, you are supposed to have yet configured a LAMP server on which the application will be installed.

  1. Setting up the database
  • Enter the init_cameras/db directory.
  • modify the password that will permit to modify the camera database in createDb.sql.
  • execute the following command :
    mysql -h localhost -u root --password=[mysql root passwd] < createDb.sql
  1. Initializing the cameras in the database
  • You may just execute the rqt.sql script. It will initialize the database with the data from the first Odbl planet file (09/14/2012).
    mysql camera -h localhost -u camera --password=[camera user passwd] < rqt.sql
  • As an alternative, you may download your own planet or an extract, and get the cameras from it :
    • download the file or an extract and put it in the init_cameras directory. You may download extracts, like Monaco (which is easier to perform tests) at Or you may download a full planet file from the torrent found at
    • execute the script (that script requires osmosis : see It will create a surveillance.osm file and a rqt.sql file. This may be long.
    • then execute the following command :
      mysql camera -h localhost -u camera --password=[camera user passwd] < rqt.sql
  1. Set up the automatic update of the cameras
  • Enter the update_cameras repository.
  • The automatic update is based on the sequenceNumber comparison between the current state.txt from the replicate server, and the locally stored lastState.txt. So if you downloaded a planet file, you should modify the sequenceNumber in the lastState.txt file accordingly.
  • Rename config.php.example file, and edit it to enter the database password you configured for the database user "camera".
  • Create directory update_cameras/logs
  • Add the update script to your crontab. Execute :
    crontab -e
    and enter the following line :
    * * * * * [path to your update_cameras directory]/ > /dev/null 2>&1
  • In one minute, you'll see that the update script creates log files in the update_cameras/logs directory.
  1. Set up the application on the apache server.
  • enter the www directory, and copy the config.php.example file to config.php. Edit it to set up the values you wish.
  • get the Jacob Toye's IconLabel plugin for Leaflet. You can download Icon.Label.css and Icon.Label.js from (Note : I don't distribute it, as I didn't find under which licence it is released).
  • If no other application is installed on your Apache server, you may simply copy the www directory content to your /var/www directory (and remove the pre-existing index.html from that directory). In any other case you may declare a virtual host. Here is the virtual host definition I use :
    <VirtualHost *:80> ServerAdmin [email protected]
    ServerAlias *

    DocumentRoot /var/www/camera
    <Directory />
    Options FollowSymLinks
    AllowOverride None
    <Directory /var/www/camera>
    Options Indexes FollowSymLinks MultiViews
    AllowOverride None
    Order allow,deny
    allow from all

    ErrorLog ${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/error.log

    # Possible values include: debug, info, notice, warn, error, crit,
    # alert, emerg.
    LogLevel warn

    CustomLog ${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/access.log combined


  • OpenStreetMap and contributors : all data displayed by are from OSM : the tiles are from Mapnik (license CC-by-sa), and the camera info is extracted directly from OSM (license Odbl).
  • Switch2osm : you may recognize some little parts of their code, as I initialised the leaflet stuff from this page :
    License : CC-by-sa (so I'm bound to license the leafletembed.js file under that licence)
  • Leaflet, by cloudmade : the map is based on the leaflet API (linked from the index.php. I don't care the licence as I don't redistribute it...)
  • IconLabel plugin for Leaflet, by Jacob Toye : this plugin is used to display the clusters at low zoom levels. The style used by the map is from an example in that plugin sources.
    License : ???
    I just saw that there now exists (since Sept 23) a Leaflet.Label plugin that should be better for what we are doing...
  • Mobile_detect, by Serban Ghita and Victor Stanciu
    Licence : MIT
  • Markercluster plugin for leaflet, by Dave Leaver : by looking in their code, I discovered the Quick Hull algorithm. Thanks to him.
  • JOSM : for the tag presets, modified to add the surveillance extended tags.
    License : GNU GPL v3


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Contributors 4
