Course Project of Quantum Computing which made it to IBM-Q awards.
We are modeling String Pattern matching problem in quantum world.
String Pattern Matching is a classical world problem where we need to find occurences of the pattern in a given string.
There are two variants of it explained by below examples:
- Exact Matching:
String: collar
Pattern: olla
is matched at index 1 of the original string- Closest Matching:
String: collar
Pattern: ola
Answer: There is no exact substring match but substringol
have closest pattern matching
The quantum version is used in genme sequence with each charcter matching a protein alias with sequence forming like RHT
Here, for the scope of this problem, we are using binary symbols. So, our sequences will look like: String: 1110 Pattern: 10
- Initialization with state super-position
- Mark the exact pattern “p” through the Oracle
- Grover Search to find out matching q-bits
- Amplitude Amplification to increase probability of likely result
- Measurement
- Results
We can build orcale as black-box to tackle any pattern or custom made for a specific pattern and use it against all the incoming strings.
The codes written as solution are here: link