Adapters provide a common interface to load & execute code in the Knowledge Grid
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy these adapters in an activator on a live system.
For building and running the application you need:
To get started you can simply clone this repository using git:
git clone
cd kgrid-adapter
Install the adapters to your local maven repository where they can then be used as dependencies by the activator:
mvn clean install
Unit and Integration tests can be executed via
mvn clean test
Creating new Adapters requires that you implement the Adapter Java API interface which you can find in the adapter-api
For example:
package org.kgrid.adapter.mine;
// Imports...
public class MyAdapter implements Adapter {
List<String> getEngines() {
// Must return a list of engines that object developers
// can use in the deployment descriptor engine node to specify this adapter.
// For example:
return new Collections.singletonList("my-engine");
void initialize(ActivationContext context) {
// This is called once by the activator at startup and
// sets up this adapter using the activation
// context passed in from the activator.
// The activation context provides four methods which support
// accessing other objects and properties in the activator
// - Get other executors using
// Executor getExecutor(String key);
// where the key is the full endpointURI of the other executor.
// - Get binaries from the associated shelf using
// InputStream getBinary(URI pathToBinary);
// - Get properties using
// String getProperty(String key);
// - Refresh objects associated with your adapter using
// void refresh(String engineName);
Executor activate(URI absoluteLocation, URI endpointURI, JsonNode deploymentSpec) {
// Called when an object is activated and must
// return an executor which will be called when
// the endpoint specified by the endpoint URI is
// accessed through the activator.
String status() {
// Used by the activator to determine the state
// of this adapter. Return values which are useful
// in debugging issues with this adapter. Like "up"
// "down" or "initializing", etc. This value is passed through
// to the /actuator/health endpoint in the activator.
For an example check out the javascript v8 adapter.
The adapters utilize Java Services and require that you package your adapter with a service identifier the META-INF directory.
Create a file in the resources/META-INF/services
directory called org.kgrid.adapter.api.Adapter
with a single line that is the fully qualified class name of your adapter eg: org.kgrid.adapter.mine.MyAdapter
You can load your adapter by adding the uri of your built adapter jar file to the comma-separated list of adapter locations property in the activator, ex:
add the line kgrid.activator.adapter-locations=file:adapters/myadapter.jar
to the activator's
file or supply it as an argument when starting the activator.