Here's a documentation guide you can use for your project README:
This guide provides instructions for setting up and running the project using Docker and Makefile. This setup is designed to run in a Linux/Macos X environment. Before you start, ensure you have the following prerequisites installed:
Docker: Ensure Docker is installed and running on your machine. You can follow the official Docker installation guide for your specific Linux distribution.
Make: Make sure the Make utility is installed. On most Linux distributions, you can install it using your package manager. For example, on Ubuntu, you can run:
sudo apt-get install make
brew install make
choco install make
If you want to start only the backend service, execute:
make run-backend
This will start the backend service and its dependencies defined under the app
profile in Docker Compose.
To execute load tests, run:
make run-test-load
This command builds and starts the load test environment using Artillery and generates a report. After the test completes, it will open the HTML report located at ./artillery/report.html
For end-to-end tests, use the following command:
make run-test-e2e
This will navigate to the backend directory, install necessary dependencies, and run the end-to-end tests using the Vite testing setup. Once the tests are complete, it opens the coverage report at ./backend/coverage/index.html
To run both the backend and frontend services, use:
make run-all
This command starts the backend service, installs frontend dependencies, and launches the frontend in development mode. The application will be accessible at http://localhost:5173
npx open-clik