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The previous version of the LLVM semantics (using K version 2) is now located at

Versions of tools used to generate the .ll files:

LLVM ( LLVM version 6.0.0

Optimized build. Built Mar 5 2018 (17:05:10). Default target: x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu Host CPU: core-avx-i

clang version 6.0.0 (tags/RELEASE_600/final) Target: x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu Thread model: posix InstalledDir: /usr/local/bin

Currently, the K parser cannot parse LLVM comments. They need to be removed from your LLVM program before you call the kast tool on them. For your convenience, we provide a java program that does that, called DeleteLLVMComments:

$ java DeleteLLVMComments myprogram.ll

will output the resulting LLVM program to standard output, while

$ krun --parser "java DeleteLLVMComments" --directory mysemanticsdirectory myprogram.ll

will forward it to the kast tool. Therefore, if your LLVM program contains comments, make sure that you use the pipe command above as external parser to the krun tool when you execute your program with the LLVM semantics.