Format your stylesheets using stylefmt inside Vim. Stylefmt supports the latest CSS syntax and understands CSS-like syntax such as SCSS, Stylus and Less.
This plugin is heavily inspired by vim-esformatter.
First you need to install stylefmt (make sure you have Node.js installed):
npm install -g stylefmt
Then install the plugin:
- Manual installation:
- Copy the files to your
- Copy the files to your
- Pathogen
cd ~/.vim/bundle && git clone git://
- Vundle
- Add
Plugin 'kewah/vim-stylefmt'
- Run
- Add
- NeoBundle
- Add
NeoBundle 'kewah/vim-stylefmt'
- Run
- Add
- vim-plug
- Add
Plug 'kewah/vim-stylefmt'
- Run
- Add
In normal mode:
: format the whole buffer.
In Visual mode:
: format the selected block.
Or by mapping the commands in your .vimrc
nnoremap <silent> <leader>cs :Stylefmt<CR>
vnoremap <silent> <leader>cs :StylefmtVisual<CR>
Released under the wtfpl license