The Mozu JavaScript SDK provides a JavaScript API for connecting to Mozu web services. Originally designed to manage API requests for the storefront Core theme, the JS SDK is a multipurpose tool for performing common shopper-level actions.
- NodeJS >= 0.8
- GruntJS > 0.4
installed globally
- Native JSON or json2.js. In the Core theme this library is provided by the Mozu-Require module loader.
- NodeJS >= 0.10
- microevent
- uritemplate
- when
- xmlhttprequest
Uses NPM for packaging and testing.
$ npm install -g grunt-cli
$ npm install
$ grunt
This should work on all platforms.
$ grunt test
$ grunt testbrowser
In the presence of an AMD module loader like RequireJS or a CommonJS module loader like Node, the SDK will declare itself as a module. If neither are present, the SDK will declare a global Mozu variable that is an empty, configurable ApiContext
. The first step is to configure the context and use it to generate an ApiInterface
Full usage details are available in the Getting Started guide in the /docs
folder. Here's how to quickly generate an interface for a given store:
define(['mozu-javascript-sdk/dist/mozu-javascript-sdk.min'], function(Mozu) {
// assuming an AMD environment. The above is equivalent to:
// var Mozu = require('mozu-javascript-sdk/dist/mozu-javascript-sdk');
// in a CommonJS environment.
var myStoreApiContext = Mozu.Store({
"tenant": 2561,
"master-catalog": 1,
"site": 1234,
"app-claims": "+RuyRpztqvRNrWTpbc...XNbC",
"currency": "usd",
"locale": "en-US"
// the above objects will probably come out of your store configuration on the server side and need to be serialized as JSON.
// you need to set individual base URLs for the following services
"productService": "/api/commerce/catalog/storefront/products/",
"categoryService": "/api/commerce/catalog/storefront/categories/",
"cartService": "/api/commerce/carts/",
"customerService": "",
"orderService": "",
"searchService": "/api/commerce/catalog/storefront/productsearch/",
"referenceService": "/api/platform/reference/",
"paymentService": "",
"addressValidationService": "/api/commerce/customer/addressvalidation/",
"wishlistService": "/api/commerce/wishlists/",
"returnService": "",
"storefrontUserService": "",
"locationService": "/api/commerce/storefront/",
"creditService": "/api/commerce/customer/credits/"
// configuration complete, you may now retrieve an API interface
var myStoreApi = myStoreApiContext.api();
// and begin manipulating API objects!
myStoreApi.get('product','MS-CYC-BIK-004').then(function(product) {
console.log(product.prop('content').name); // -> "Diamondback Sortie 3 29er Bike - 2013"
- Real NodeJS testing (Nock)
- Support for Admin services
- Full method documentation