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Welcome to ideaWave, a full-featured blog website where users can create, edit, and delete their posts. This project is built using the MERN stack (MongoDB, Express.js, React, Node.js) with additional technologies for enhanced functionality and styling.

Table of Contents


  • User Authentication (Register, Login, Logout)
  • Create, Edit, and Delete Posts
  • View a list of posts with pagination
  • View individual post details
  • Responsive design using Tailwind CSS
  • Notifications using Toastify

Technologies Used


  • Node.js
  • Express.js
  • MongoDB
  • Mongoose
  • bcryptjs
  • jsonwebtoken
  • multer (for file uploads)
  • cookie-parser
  • dotenv

Frontend Overview

  • React
  • React Router
  • Axios
  • Tailwind CSS
  • Toastify
  • date-fns

Setup and Installation


Make sure you have the following installed on your local development environment:

  • Node.js
  • npm or yarn
  • MongoDB

Backend Setup

  1. Clone the repository:
git clone
  1. Navigate to the backend directory and install dependencies:
cd api
npm install
node/nodemon index.js
  1. Create a .env file in the api directory and add the following environment variables:
  1. Start the backend server:
npm start

Frontend Setup

  1. Navigate to the frontend directory and install dependencies:
  cd client
  npm i
  1. Start the frontend development server:
npm start

Running the Application

Open your browser and navigate to http://localhost:3000.

Backend Overview

The backend of ideaWave is built with Express.js and connects to a MongoDB database using Mongoose. It includes the following main features:

  • User authentication with JWT
  • CRUD operations for posts
  • File uploads using multer

Key Endpoints

  • POST /register: Register a new user
  • POST /login: Log in a user and issue a JWT
  • GET /profile: Get the profile of the logged-in user
  • POST /logout: Log out the current user
  • POST /post: Create a new post
  • PUT /post: Edit an existing post
  • DELETE /post/:id: Delete a post
  • GET /post: Get a list of posts
  • GET /post/:id: Get a specific post by ID

Frontend Overview

The frontend of ideaWave is built with React and styled using Tailwind CSS. It includes the following main features:

  • User authentication with JWT
  • CRUD operations for posts
  • Notifications using Toastify
  • Routing with React Router

Key Components

  • App.js: Main application component with routing
  • Post.js: Component to display a single post
  • PostList.js: Component to display a list of posts
  • CreatePost.js: Component to create a new post
  • EditPost.js: Component to edit an existing post
  • Profile.js: Component to display user profile

Environment Variables

The application uses the following environment variables:

  • MONGO_URI: MongoDB connection string
  • JWT_SECRET: Secret key for JWT
  • PORT: Port for the backend server


Register Page Login Page Home Page Create Post Post Page Edit Post