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The cloud cast

This is a weather application build with svelte and vite. Live demo: here.

Table of Contents

General Information

The Purpose of this project was to learn svelte, as well as learning about REST API's and system architecture on the web. This Project was developed by:

Technologies Used

  • Svelte
  • NPM
  • Vite
  • JS
  • Firebase hosting & analytics

Apis Used


This website features:

  • Live weather updates
  • Current, hourly and daily weather forecasts.
  • Color scheme that changes after current weather.
  • Last searched locations stored in local storage to provide quick weather for favourite locations.
  • User location to display the weather for the users current location.
  • A clean, and easily understandable UI that is fully responsive a course on screens.


Example screenshot Example screenshot


To setup and run this project localy, simply:

  • Clone this repo in vs code.
  • Run "npm install" in the terminal. (to setup and install dependencies.)
  • Run "npm run dev" in the terminal. (to open a development server in your local browser.)


All the code for the project is located in ".src/lib/". The application is Divide into different folders:

  • Components - This is all the front-end components. Some files may end with a capital letter. This indicates the level of nesting. Example: "someFile-C.svelte" would be Third in the chain.
  • Views - This is a svelte media query that helps to make the app responsive. These are second in the component chain.
  • Data - This is the entire back-end of the app. It includes API's, local storage, and svelte stores.
  • Services - This is the logic of the application. It Contains a bunch of functions that is used from the UI/Components and it also communicate with the back-end/Data.

Project Status

Project is: in progress.

Github and hosting

This project:

  • Is open source.
  • Uses codeQL to analyse for errors and Threats on pull request and merge.
  • Is automaticly deployed to firebase hosting on merge into "main" via actions.
  • Is being deployed to a preview Channel on pull request to main. So features can be safly tested before merge.
  • Require all security checks to pass on pull request before it can be merged into main.
  • Has a issues tab. Feel free to create a new issue if you find bugs in the code, or fix it yourself😀.


Created by Kenni Kollemorten and David Sørensen - feel free to contact me on e-mail