For users who can embrace the newest of technology, Flexiblegrid comes with an flex based grid. It’s the same grid you know and love, but with even better source ordering and alignment options.
FlexibleGrid docs ·
FlexibleGrid inst ·
FlexibleGrid example ·
FlexibleGrid sample
- Download the latest release.
- Clone the repo:
git clone
- Install with npm:
npm install flexiblegrid
- Install with bower:
bower install flexiblegrid
- Install with composer:
composer require kenangundogan/flexiblegrid
- Install with yarn:
yarn add flexiblegrid
- Install with meteor:
meteor add kenangundogan:flexiblegrid
- Install with rubygems:
gem install flexible-grid
Read the Getting started page for information on the framework contents, templates and examples, and more.
Within the download you'll find the following directories and files, logically grouping common assets and providing both compiled and minified variations.
├── css/
├── flexible-grid.css
├── flexible-grid.min.css
├── scss/
├── flexible-grid.scss
├── _variables.scss
├── _definitions.scss
├── _array-list.scss
├── _wrapper.scss
├── _grid.scss
├── _attribute.scss
└── _normalize.scss
Flexible Grid will be maintained under the Semantic Versioning guidelines as much as possible. Releases will be numbered with the following format:
For more information on SemVer, please visit
Media Screen Size | < 424px | < 768px | < 1024px | < 1279px | < 1366px |
column | .xs-1 | .sm-1 | .md-1 | .lg-1 | .xl-1 |
column | .xs-2 | .sm-2 | .md-2 | .lg-2 | .xl-2 |
column | .xs-3 | .sm-3 | .md-3 | .lg-3 | .xl-3 |
column | .xs-4 | .sm-4 | .md-4 | .lg-4 | .xl-4 |
column | .xs-5 | .sm-5 | .md-5 | .lg-5 | .xl-5 |
column | .xs-6 | .sm-6 | .md-6 | .lg-6 | .xl-6 |
column | .xs-7 | .sm-7 | .md-7 | .lg-7 | .xl-7 |
column | .xs-8 | .sm-8 | .md-8 | .lg-8 | .xl-8 |
column | .xs-9 | .sm-9 | .md-9 | .lg-9 | .xl-9 |
column | .xs-10 | .sm-10 | .md-10 | .lg-10 | .xl-10 |
column | .xs-11 | .sm-11 | .md-11 | .lg-11 | .xl-11 |
column | .xs-12 | .sm-12 | .md-12 | .lg-12 | .xl-12 |
Media Screen Size | < 424px | < 768px | < 1024px | < 1279px | < 1366px |
.display-flex | -xs | -sm | -md | -lg | -xl |
.display-inline-flex | -xs | -sm | -md | -lg | -xl |
.flex-d-row | -xs | -sm | -md | -lg | -xl |
.flex-d-rowreverse | -xs | -sm | -md | -lg | -xl |
.flex-d-column | -xs | -sm | -md | -lg | -xl |
.flex-d-column-reverse | -xs | -sm | -md | -lg | -xl |
.flex-wrap | -xs | -sm | -md | -lg | -xl |
.flex-wrap-reverse | -xs | -sm | -md | -lg | -xl |
.flex-nowrap | -xs | -sm | -md | -lg | -xl |
.justify-content-start | -xs | -sm | -md | -lg | -xl |
.justify-content-end | -xs | -sm | -md | -lg | -xl |
.justify-content-center | -xs | -sm | -md | -lg | -xl |
.justify-content-baseline | -xs | -sm | -md | -lg | -xl |
.justify-content-arround | -xs | -sm | -md | -lg | -xl |
.justify-content-between | -xs | -sm | -md | -lg | -xl |
.align-items-start | -xs | -sm | -md | -lg | -xl |
.align-items-end | -xs | -sm | -md | -lg | -xl |
.align-items-center | -xs | -sm | -md | -lg | -xl |
.align-items-baseline | -xs | -sm | -md | -lg | -xl |
.align-items-stretch | -xs | -sm | -md | -lg | -xl |
.align-selft-start | -xs | -sm | -md | -lg | -xl |
.align-selft-end | -xs | -sm | -md | -lg | -xl |
.align-selft-center | -xs | -sm | -md | -lg | -xl |
.align-selft-baseline | -xs | -sm | -md | -lg | -xl |
.align-selft-stretch | -xs | -sm | -md | -lg | -xl |
.align-content-start | -xs | -sm | -md | -lg | -xl |
.align-content-end | -xs | -sm | -md | -lg | -xl |
.align-content-center | -xs | -sm | -md | -lg | -xl |
.align-content-between | -xs | -sm | -md | -lg | -xl |
.align-content-around | -xs | -sm | -md | -lg | -xl |
.flex-order-first | -xs | -sm | -md | -lg | -xl |
.flex-order-last | -xs | -sm | -md | -lg | -xl |
.flex-order-unordered | -xs | -sm | -md | -lg | -xl |
.flex-ml-auto | -xs | -sm | -md | -lg | -xl |
.flex-mr-auto | -xs | -sm | -md | -lg | -xl |
.flex-mt-auto | -xs | -sm | -md | -lg | -xl |
.flex-mb-auto | -xs | -sm | -md | -lg | -xl |
- Google Chrome
- Opera
- Firefox
- Safari 6.2+
- Internet Explorer 10+
- iOS 7+
- Android 4.4+
- Windows Phone 8.1+
Designed and built by @kenangundogan
2017 Currently - Code licensed MIT License